Sound Expressions For Kids

Sound Expressions For Kids


Sound Expressions For Kids
Tammy Sorenson (2018)

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Sound Expressions for Kids is a holistic frequency infused spontaneous Holy Spirit led instrumental CD release, created specifically for children (and for parents/teachers) to incorporate into vehicle riding time, study time/homework, quiet/calming time, classrooms, creative time, bedtime, sleep issues, etc.. More and more people around the globe are realizing the need for shifting away from stress-filled atmospheres/busy schedules and toward holistic healing approaches. Much research indicates music as playing a significant role in that journey.

Holistic healing, i.e. body, mind, soul, and spirit, is important to everyone’s journey. What we allow into our atmospheres, our minds, our emotions, our spirits, and our physical bodies impacts each of us profoundly. Both sound and music inherently and creatively possess a strategically important intention/purpose, as do tunings, settings, keys, Scriptures, and Holy Spirit (not necessarily in that order). I intimately know the Word, the Spirit, how to play skillfully on my instrument (piano/keyboard), and Sound & Healing Therapy. Sound Expressions For Kids has been created specifically to holistically, peacefully, and uniquely impact your children and their atmosphere, bringing alignment into the busyness of life.

Sound Expressions For Kids Song Titles, Scriptures, Keys in Sound & Healing Therapy Tunings

Copyright Tammy Sorenson/Sound Expressions January 2018
All Rights Reserved.
Mixed by Jaran Sorenson
Jewel Case Design by Jadan Advertising And Design

1. A Gift
 – Key of C
 (528 Hz) (Children Are Heaven’s Gift: Matthew 18:10 and James 1:17)
2. A Legacy – Key of C#/Db (A 444Hz) (Children Are A Heritage: Psalm 127:3-5)
3. A Promise – Key of D (A 444 Hz) (The Kingdom Of Heaven Belongs To The Children: Matthew 18:1-3)
4. Invited – Key of D#/Eb (639 Hz) (Let The Little Children Come: Mark 10:14)
5. Free To Be – Key of E (A 444 Hz) (The Praise of Infants and Children: Psalm 8:2)
6. Eyes and Ears – Key of F (A 444 Hz) (Teach The Children To Worship ME: Psalm 139:13-16 and John 4:23-24)
7. Truth – Key of F#/Gb (741 Hz) (Nurture The Children In MY Ways: Deut. 6:7, Prov. 22:6, and Eph. 6:4)
8. A Teachable Heart – Key of G (396 Hz) (All Your Children Shall Be Taught By Me: Isaiah 54:13)
9. Pure – Key of G# (417 Hz) (Children Are An Example: 1 Timothy 4:12)
10. Whole – Key of A 444 Hz (Healing Is The Children’s Bread: Matthew 15:22-29)
11. Blessed – Key of A#/Bb (A 444 Hz) (Bless The Children: Isaiah 44:2)
12. Mountain Movers – Key of B (A 444 Hz) (Release Them To The King: Malachi 4:6)
13. Roots and Wings
 – Key of Ab (852 Hz) (No Greater Joy: 3 John 1:4)
14. Renew – Key of G (396 Hz) (All Your Children Shall Be Taught By Me Reprise: Isaiah 54:13)


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