Healing Expressions For Trauma

Healing Expressions For Trauma


Healing Expressions For Trauma
Tammy Sorenson (2018)

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This is one of my most unique Holy Spirit led Sound Healing Therapy recording projects yet! This spontaneously recorded instrumental CD focuses on releasing the Healer to manifest on behalf of traumatic experiences and memories, which are stored in the memory of our cells. The first six pieces release frequency support to the brain, the sympathetic nervous system, neurotransmitters, and the parasympathetic nervous system. The latter six pieces release de-stressing frequencies to the exact same areas. If the listener is experiencing traumatic stress/memories, the latter six pieces release Holy Spirit peace, calming, and de-stressing healing frequencies.

Equally, if traumatic experiences/memories are causing the brain, the sympathetic nervous system, neurotransmitters, and the parasympathetic nervous system frequencies to be depleted, the listener is exhorted to listen to the first six pieces for frequency support specific to those areas. If the listener is simply seeking to encounter overall balance and wholeness from the Healer Himself, the entire CD was recorded specific to this purpose. Specific Scriptures for each piece are provided for the renewing of the mind.

Healing Expressions For Trauma Song Titles, Scriptures, Keys in Sound Healing Therapy Tunings

Copyright Tammy Sorenson/Sound Expressions August 2018
All Rights Reserved.
Mixed by Jaran Sorenson
Jewel Case Design by Jadan Advertising And Design

1. INNER PEACE – F#m/Gbm 741 Hz – James 1:2-4 (AMP)
2. REST – F#/Ab 741 Hz – Matthew 11:28-30 (AMP)
3. RESTORED – F#/Gb 741 Hz (Restored)- Psalm 23:1-6 (AMP)
4. HOPE RENEWED – G#m/Abm 417 Hz – Lamentations 3:21-24 (AMP)
5. REFUGE – G#/Ab 417 Hz – Psalm 25:16-20 (AMP)
6. LIGHT – G#/Ab 417 Hz – Psalm 107:13-16 (AMP)
7. STRENGTHENED – Cm 528 Hz – Isaiah 41:10 (AMP)
8. SANCTUARY – C 528 Hz – Psalm 91:4-6 (AMP)
9. FREEDOM – C 444 Hz – Isaiah 61:1-8 (AMP)
10. SECURE – C#m/Dbm 444 Hz – Psalm 91:1-16 (AMP)
11. COMFORT – C#/Db 444 Hz – 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 (AMP)
12. UNSHAKEN – C#/Db 444 Hz – Isaiah 54:10 (AMP)


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