School of the Psalmists Course Syllabus

School of the Psalmists Course Syllabus


School of the Psalmists Course Syllabus PDF version


School of the Psalmists Course Syllabus
Tammy Sorenson (2018)

For further information, questions, or to register for the School of the Psalmists, see School of the Psalmists Course Requirements or contact us.

School of the Psalmists: Where Being a Son/Daughter After Father God’s Own Heart And Playing Skillfully Unto Him Converge. Both online and on site instruction and curriculum are available NOW for keyboardists, vocalists, guitarists, and bassists whose are called to be the Lord’s Psalmist for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

There is a clarion call in the Spirit for Kingdom of Heaven psalmists to be raised up, equipped, and released within:

*the Body of Christ
*the prayer movement
*the worship movement
*and throughout the church.

The time is NOW for a convergence of sonship/being a daughter after Father God’s own heart and playing skillfully unto Him to be activated. Both revival and reformation will require psalmists, i.e. David’s and the restoration of his tabernacle of skilled singers and musicians (Acts 15:13-18), positioned on the walls to which they are called (Isaiah 62:6-7) as the Father’s ambassadors empowered by the love of Christ.

Through delighting in our Heavenly Father and the desire He has placed in my heart (Psalm 37:4-6), Holy Spirit is leading me to use my years of intimate and extensive training in His Word by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6), along with my years of studying to show myself approved through education and hands-on experience/ministry (2 Timothy 2:15), to equip a generation of psalmists who possess wholehearted love, devotion, revelation, capacity, and the necessary musical skills, i.e. to understand their unique role as psalmists in releasing the atmosphere of Heaven on Earth, i.e. the love of our Heavenly Father and His sevenfold Spirit (Isaiah 11:1-4a), in this Kingdom age of restoration (Daniel 7:21-27), on behalf of setting captives free (Isaiah 61).

David employed 288 skilled singers and 4,000 skilled musicians, 24/7, to enthrone Jehovah God with new songs, prophesy, and Selahs, over the course of 33 years. The Lord is again establishing His house of prayer on Earth in a variety of unique and glorious ways. Our School of the Psalmists will explore Biblical history, definitions, Scriptural tunings and frequencies, along with methodology to increase/enhance skill levels necessary for such a time as this in being led by Holy Spirit to flow in the NOW, to create new songs in the NOW, and to prophesy on one’s instrument.

The Psalmists

A psalmist is someone after Father God’s heart, i.e. love for our Father and His love for others,who has studied to show themselves approved on their instrument in order to play skillfully unto Him through new songs, prophesying on their instrument, and through Selahs. Selah means to “pause and meditate,” which is to say, “here’s how it plays out.” Psalmists are able to discern the leading of Holy Spirit and intimately know the Word being released. They hear with the ears of their spirit, they see with the eyes of their spirit to express, prophesy, and minister love, peace, rest, comfort, revelation, joy, healing, and inspiration into a specific atmospheres and times through Spirit-led musical gifting, skill, and knowledge. Modern day psalmists have been through intensive training for assignments in the quantum NOW. Consider inviting us into your atmospheres to release, shift, facilitate meditation, worship, prayer, or whatever other healing needs are pressing on your heart, soul, mind, or body.

Anyone seeking healing, wanting to confront anything in their lives that is not grounded in the identity Jesus Christ gave His life for – anyone needing evil, tormenting spirits, driven away in order to fully experience, “He who the Son sets free is truly free indeed,” John 8:36, schedule an appointment with one of the Lord’s psalmists. Give me a call or email me. I am one of my Heavenly Father’s psalmists who is rooted and grounded in Christ – the only true Source of our Father’s Love, Hope, and Healing. He sees your every need and He continues to see every dream He has had for you since before you were even born. He lives in me, He sings through me, He plays through me, He encourages/edifies/comforts through me. He has filled me, skilled me, and knows the cry of my heart for years has been, “Here I am, Lord, send me.” Holy Spirit has given and reminded me of Isaiah 45:1-3 on several occasions, “Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him, and I will unarm and ungird the loins of kings to open doors before him, so that gates will not be shut. I will go before you and level the mountains [to make the crooked places straight]; I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron. And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name.” The treasures hidden in darkness – the riches of secret places – to the Father, these always represent people. You are His treasure. He died and lives in order that you will comprehend and boldly decree the very rooted and grounded in love and identity words He has decreed in His Word.

Ephesians 3:14-19 (AMP)
Isaiah 6:1-8 (AMP)
Isaiah 61:1-3 (AMP)

The Music of Psalmists

  • Music to release frequencies that impact physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs
  • Music to shift/release an atmosphere of peace and rest into the stress/anxiety of life/circumstances
  • Music for prayer and intercession
  • Music for prophesying
  • Musical inspiration for creativity (painting, sketching, writing, dancing, photography, sculpting, crafts)
  • Music for contemplation
  • Music for worship
  • Music for resting
  • Music for meditation
  • Music for activating and empowering your own ability to receive needed direction and revelation
  • Music for releasing melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and frequencies for the healing of body, mind, and soul

Was I Not Listening or Did Someone Not Tell Me?
The Journey of a Psalmist
by Tammy Sorenson

Newly Revised Edition with 31 Day Devotional  – 2019

New Revised/Updated 2019 Edition with 31 Day Devotional/Journal. Life is a journey that manifests through numerous experiences and scenarios. As humans, we often see things from a perspective reflective of what we are interested in. Our interests align with our gifts and talents – our DNA. For Tammy, music is in her DNA. She was given a prophetic vision of her life as a flowing music staff suspended infinitely over a lush green meadow. As a conductor, it was her joy to collect and place individual notes on the staff. The notes represented individual people, who when they sang or played their notes, became an integral part of a symphony being created at precisely the right moment in time. Every individual has been created as part of the tapestry of Good Ideas because each one of us is a God Idea. This book is written in a musical format; as a composition with a series of musical movements. Preludes and fugues, melodies and harmonies, and a musical directive called, Selah, comprise the expression of our personal journey and the revelation learned along the way. Selah means to “pause and meditate,” which is to say, “here’s how it plays out.” For each of us, life’s journey is about what we have learned, as well as those things we wish we had known. Praying and believing for each reader through Was I Not Listening or Did They Not Tell Me? to be better equipped and empowered in playing the life song you have been gifted to release.

Paperback book includes a brand new 31 Day Devotional with Journal. This book is available now on this website under SHOP and also on Amazon and Kindle.


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