The Spirit-led, Holistic, and Scientific Intention of Peace

renewing the body through sound

The Spirit-led, Holistic, and Scientific Intention of Peace

The Spirit-led, holistic, and scientific intention behind my newest instrumental CD, Alignment, is to release Peace into the atmosphere while driving, in the workplace, in the classroom, at home, and wherever the busyness of life creates stress. The intention encompasses both individuals and groups. The Law of Resonance states that whatever the strongest frequency in an atmosphere is will cause all other frequencies to come into alignment with it. If you are searching for holistic options that realign your physical body, including thoughts, emotions, and spirit, and/or your atmosphere with Peace that overcomes the stress, give Alignment or any of my other CD’s (A Spontaneous Christmas, Free to Be, Grace for the Journey, Hebrew Songs for Intercessory Piano, No More Orphans!, Spontaneous Expressions) an opportunity to bless you and/or others.

Here’s a sample of what others are saying about my newest CD, Alignment:

‘Hi Tammy,
I have been worshiping with your new CD Alignment and want to tell you how blessed I am each time I listen to it. I have been using it when I go exercise and then speak alignment to my body through the Light of the eternal Word and the Blood of Yeshua. I pull up the scripture passage for each sound/light and continue to release the Word that is written and bring it into the NOW for every cell in my being. I just love how it is feeding and filtering and renewing my spirit, soul and yes, body. I just thought you might like to know. I so, so, so appreciate what you have sacrificed to release the sound and light of these particular scriptures.

‘Nourished. There are no other words to describe the effects after listening to Tammy’s most recent collection of sounds in “Alignment.” Nothing else can describe the fullness at the cellular level that the body, mind, and spirit experience. Soak in it and be nourished.
Mari Lou’

To listen to samples, to purchase, or for details pertaining to each of my unique instrumental CD’s check out:
Sound Expressions Music 
CD Baby
The Arts Expressed under SHOP
Apple iTunes (type Tammy Sorenson in the search)
Wherever digital distribution is available.