I recently had an online Sound & Healing Therapy session with a client. Prior to connecting, Holy Spirit gave me a Scripture from which I was psalming in a specific key in preparation for the client’s needs, as I had prayed for in advance of the session. The client and I connected for nearly two…
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This newest video, JOY OVERFLOWING, releases of the creative frequencies of the Spirit, the Word, and the sound of the intention of our Heavenly Father’s joy as a Kingdom lifestyle. The video combines the Scriptures of the entire CD with the spontaneously recorded frequencies of Track #11 to create a visual, aural, and tangible encounter…
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The frequencies of beautifully anointed artwork and words inspiring perspective for difficult times. This video includes many of our family’s acrylics, pencil sketches, and graphic design, perfectly depicting the lyrics to a passionate original song relevant to those seeking answers for such a time as this. The audio track is from an instrumental CD of…
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For our family, the year 2015 ended with the sale of our home of nearly eleven years and a temporary move to a rental with storage. A major chapter of our lives ended with this move, while a new one awaits us on the horizon. Moving is difficult. We have been pairing down in preparation…
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