In September of 2022, I was blessed and honored to be included in a unique holistic health summit with Open Heart Life Ministry, hosted by Mary Oliver. Awaken Your Journey Summit was specific to quantum healing technologies that activate spirit, soul, and body wellness. Below are the two Awaken Your Journey Interview Sessions I participated…
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What a powerful, interesting, and impacting day was had psalming at the Asheville National Day of Prayer! The weather forecast was originally 60-70% rain for the entire afternoon and evening. Many prayers changed the weather forecast to clear until after the event had concluded. With everything set up, Kevan and I began psalming ahead of…
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Psalm 139 In A 444 Hz
Introducing Healing Expressions For Trauma! Click on the Video Clip for Details! Digital distribution is available at, on Apple iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, CD Baby, this website under the SHOP PRODUCTS, at under SHOP, and wherever digital distribution is available.
My most strategically unique Sound and Healing Therapy CD release yet!
This CD assignment is focused on releasing the Healer to manifest inner healing on behalf of traumatic experiences and associated memories stored in the memory of our cells.
The first six pieces release frequency support to the brain, the sympathetic nervous system, neurotransmitters, and the…
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FRAGRANT EXPRESSIONSSound & Healing Therapy CD Release Video I am abundantly blessed and overflowing with excitement and joy to announce the release of my new and creatively unique Sound & Healing Therapy CD yet, Fragrant Expressions, Friday, September 1! Holy Spirit led me on a research journey with Essential Oil frequencies in combination with specific…
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Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrew 13:8). Everywhere He went, people were saved, delivered, and set free from whatever held them in captivity and bondage, including and especially physical and spiritual infirmities. He said that whoever believed on Him would also do greater works than Him (John 14:12). How could anyone do…
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As Believers – maturing children and sons – in Christ, we must in this NOW time understand that our thoughts and our words CREATE. Yes, I said CREATE, whatever we are thinking or speaking forth. Scripture and science both validate this statement. We get to choose WHAT we create because our Father in His immense…
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It is often helpful to read what others in the Sound & Healing Therapy field are writing and discovering. Sound Expressions Sound & Healing Therapy Music and Books can now be purchased on this website using Paypal! Check out the following two articles, as well as my new Sound Expressions SHOP PRODUCTS Page and page. Three Health…
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