2016 Decrees

renewing the body through sound

2016 Decrees

For our family, the year 2015 ended with the sale of our home of nearly eleven years and a temporary move to a rental with storage. A major chapter of our lives ended with this move, while a new one awaits us on the horizon. Moving is difficult. We have been pairing down in preparation for this move since last March, but quickly discovered there is so much more to do. Decisions about specific needs and items of importance will be our lens for continued January downsizing…letting go. Leaving behind the many physical items and memories in the natural realm also represents letting go and leaving behind any and all disappointment, hope deferred, disillusionment, frustration, grief, and all other adjectives/adverbs that could hinder the supernatural realm on the path ahead.

In the midst of the moving chaos, I have been purposefully quiet, asking Holy Spirit to give me dreams, clarity, and discernment for the season we have now entered. In the midst of the seeking, He had me revisit an important prophetic word about being pregnant in the very early stages with my Father’s Kingdom purposes back in 2002. A vision of a buffalo and a butterfly accompanied that word. Two cycles of seven have soon passed. It’s been an extremely long and difficult pregnancy, but alas, the birthing has begun. We are temporarily residing in Buffalo, MN, and I found a bathroom set with Believe (Matthew 17:20), Trust (Proverbs 3:5), Praise (Psalm 98:4), and Serve (Joshua 24:15); butterfly hooks to match. All strategic Scriptures for 2016. We have been through a metamorphosis throughout those two cycles of seven. The butterfly represents both transformation and freedom; being transformed as sons, to possess the identity and the purposes of the Father in the Son, and the capacity to walk out the freedom Christ purchased on our behalf; to arise and shine with His glory in the midst of deep darkness covering the Earth (Isaiah 60).

As we have and continue to believe what Holy Spirit speaks, trust in our Father’s goodness, His love, and in His Word, praise Him irregardless of what manifests in the natural realm, and serve Him faithfully along the journey, we will see the Kingdom of Heaven manifest on Earth in, through, and on us in 2016. The numbers 2+0+1+6 add up to the number nine. I decree a manifested global awakening, activation, and release of the nine fruits of the Spirit of Christ (Galatians 5:22-23) within His babes, children, and sons, as well as the nine spirituals gifts Paul references in 1 Corinthians 12:5-11. The number nine, Tet in Hebrew, prophetically represents the perfect movement of Holy Spirit, conclusion, the fullness of blessings, renewal, the fruit of the womb, completeness, and finality (1). The number nine also represents harvest, fruit, fruitfulness, and fruition (2). Butterflies.

In 2015, I recorded my Sound & Healing Therapy CD Release, Salt & Light, with the frequencies and the intention of this decree, i.e. on behalf of awakening, activating, and releasing each of these very attributes and blessings of Christ on behalf of each listener and each individual who purposes to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness in this hour. I then recorded Waterfalls, to facilitate ‘deep calls unto deep’ (Psalm 42:7,), and then Joy Overflowing as His joy in us manifesting to a world in need. I decree 2016 to be a year of salt and light manifesting globally in, through, and on the Body of Christ, a year of basking in the intimate depths of His Presence and His Word, and overflowing with the joy of our Lord so profoundly that the world not only stands up and takes note, but begs to know the One to whom we belong. I decree 2016 to be a year of manifested restoration, double to one hundred fold, on behalf of everything the locusts/the enemy stole from the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth and from the babes, children, and sons of the Most High. I decree supernatural creativity overflowing through Kingdom arts and entertainment on miraculous levels not yet seen before on Earth!

You can listen to sound clips of all my CDs under the SHOP PRODUCTS on this website, at tammysorenson.com/music,  under SHOP at TheArtsExpressed.org website. My CDs are also available on Apple iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify, Amazon, and wherever digital distribution is sold.

  1. http://www.myonar.com Dream Cards Breath of the Spirit Ministries 2008
    2. Understanding the Dreams You Dream by Ira Milligan, Destiny Image Publishers, Inc. Shippensburg, PA 1997

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