New Video: Spirit Breathe 639 Hz

renewing the body through sound

New Video: Spirit Breathe 639 Hz

This video, Spirit Breathe, in 639 Hz, has been created from my spontaneous instrumental piece by the same title, available on my April 2016 Sound & Healing Therapy CD Release, Key Expressions, along with photos taken by my husband and myself all across Transylvania County, North Carolina. This video invites the listener/viewer to encounter Holy Spirit, both audibly and visually, as He inhales the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Heaven and exhales it on the Earth amidst our Father’s incredibly awesome and majestic Creation. Thank You, Yeshua, for making a way for all to be renewed and restored: body-mind-soul-and spirit!

My new album, Key Expressions, combines strategic tuning, Solfege frequencies/syllables, 12 different musical keys to impact every resonant frequency area of the body, the frequencies of colors and of the Word (Isaiah 11:2) with spontaneously Holy Spirit led psalming. It is available on this website under SHOP PRODUCTS, at,, as well as wherever digital distribution is available.

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