Sound & Healing Therapy Session Testimonies and Vision

renewing the body through sound

Sound & Healing Therapy Session Testimonies and Vision

Today I received an awesome email from a client’s mom with a praise report (4/15/15). Her name will not be given due to client confidentiality, as well as being a child. Sound & Healing Therapy is one piece of many in this precious child’s journey to healing and wholeness. Her doctor wishes she could “give out prescriptions for music, because music is the number one way to heal the brain!” The doctor’s prescription for the next phase of my client’s journey: “sing, play, dance to music.” We will now add her VoiceBio/Sound & Healing Therapy results, including her personalized recording and each of my Sound & Healing Therapy CDs, to facilitate the journey!

I also received awesome telephone testimony yesterday. I’d administered a VoiceBio/Sound & Healing Therapy session to a friend when I was getting certified in 2013. Besides recording and recommending specific keys, I also recommend colors, stones, essential oils, and supplements, as they are frequencies. My friend was in a serious car accident last year and has been doing much doctoring, including holistic chiropractic. Her chiropractors recommended a specific essential oil needed for some of her issues. Her response: “I’ve already heard/known I should use that one, as it was recommended via my VoiceBio/Sound & Healing Therapy therapist.” I love when confirmations come through varying testimonies. I always get confirmation of what is released spontaneously over each client as well. Trusting the Lord to bring me into a team of holistic practitioners. Our bodies are so fearfully and wonderfully made that there are multiple strategies and avenues readily available to embark on. In combination, they restore and maintain health, bringing glory to the Healer Himself!

So abundantly blessed to recently minister to two VoiceBio Sound & Healing Therapy clients – one to end last week and one to begin this week. Absolutely love seeing the data validate the clients’ physical and emotional concerns, followed by recording spontaneously via Holy Spirit leading over each one in the determined keys, tuning, and settings, through a unique keyboard to facilitate the journey, in addition to the Word. Each session is so completely individualized for each client – something only Holy Spirit could accomplish! Such a refreshing blessing for both of us – me as His vessel of releasing and each client as His vessels of receiving all that He has for each one in/through our sessions.

I have been led to schedule a summer Sound & Healing Therapy recording session in Nashville with my uniquely tuned keyboard. It will be my first recording on this keyboard, as well as my first ‘in the studio’ recording since 2008.

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