Make The Switch: A Language Change
If there is one thing I have learned from the journey our family has traversed, it’s that Believers must speak at all times through Heaven’s lens, releasing our Father’s eyes, ears, heart, mind, dreams, and will on the Earth, for such a time as this. By doing so, we become His vessels of releasing all that is good, loving, life giving, redeeming, and restoring! The atmosphere of Heaven contains no darkness, no evil, no negative reports, no anxiety, no fear, no lack, no bad thing…period. Rather, Heaven contains only the truest nature of our Father and King – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, holiness, abundance, and most importantly, the reverential fear/awe of the Lord, which is the beginning of the needed wisdom to navigate these times in which we have been chosen to live.
Neither cultural transformation nor preparing for Christ’s return will manifest through Believers releasing the negative frequencies of the kingdom of darkness, i.e., the lens and language of the culture. Life and death are released through the power of the tongue. New Agers comprehend this. How much more should maturing sons of the Kingdom make the switch from speaking the language of the seen, natural realm, to creating and releasing the abundant life that exists eternally within us through Christ in the unseen realm, i.e., the culture and language of His Kingdom, on the Earth as it is in Heaven, while fasting the speaking of anything less. This is precisely the revelation James addresses in Chapter 3, as well as that which Habakkuk prophesied in 2:14 (AMP), “But [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”
We do not have to compromise the Word in order to BE light amidst the darkness…in order to BE His Truth amidst all of the deception – in order to BE all that encompasses the attributes of His grace, love, mercy, redemption, and restoration. This will not manifest by might nor by power, but by His Spirit. We must wholeheartedly align with the leading of Holy Spirit, yielding to His guidance into ALL Truth in the True nature of our King, which is ALWAYS creating and releasing Father’s love and life eternal – ALWAYS turning to good that which the kingdom of darkness intended for harm! Father is searching for those He can show Himself strong on behalf.
In this year where the fog of darkness ‘appears’ to have its ugliest grip amongst the nations, things are never as though they seem. Sons and daughters of the Most High Jehovah, let’s purpose to be Esthers, Daniels, Deborahs, Josephs, Davids, etc. and the vast company of Biblical heroes in our NOW time, i.e., those who lead and influence not as the world chooses to lead and influence, but rather in the opposite spirit – through the Words of Christ Himself in Matthew 5 – always grounded in His perfect love, always casting out fear, and always destroying the works of darkness by BEing His Light and Life in both WORDS and deeds.