Scientific Research On the Brains of Musicians
The following articles and links contain fascinating research pertaining to the brains of skilled musicians: pianists, guitarists, and drummers. The piano research reveals much about how pianists are able to play their instrument while overriding the typical recognition of melodic/harmonic/rhythmic changes to ‘hear’ Holy Spirit speaking to them through visions, words, melodies, harmonies, and rhythms, literally “conversing” while playing. As a Kingdom psalmist, I already knew this truth, but the scientific validation is amazing!
The research on guitarists reveals them to be very spiritual, intuitive people with an an incredible ability to synchronize their brains while playing. (Having raised a son who is a professional and skilled guitarist, I also know this to be truth.) The research on drummers explains their superior intellectual ability in problem solving, as well as their capacity to profoundly shift the atmosphere. (Having raised another son who is a professional and skilled drummer, I also know this to be truth.) I was in the midst of my graduate research on gifted, talented, and skillful musicians for my master’s degree in music while pregnant with our oldest son. Everything I learned in my research I applied to all three of our unborn children, including a set of twins, from the womb to graduation. We currently have three professional musicians in our family (not counting us, their parents). I share our story in my book, Was I Not Listening OR Did Someone Not Tell Me, available on this website under the SHOP PRODUCTS, Amazon and Kindle.
The following articles are must reads for serious gifted and skilled Kingdom musicians:
Science Shows How Piano Players’ Brains Are Actually Different From Everybody Elses’
By Jordan Taylor Sloan June 20, 2014
Science Shows How Guitar Players’ Brains Are Actually Different from Everybody Elses’
By Jordan Taylor Sloan April 29, 2014
Science Shows How Drummers’ Brains Are Actually Different From Everybody Elses’
By Jordan Taylor Sloan May 14, 2014