Kicking Against The Goads

I have stayed pretty silent this week with regard to all of the opinions, rumblings, uproars, and fear mongering regarding the inauguration and the ‘prayer’ service.
Yesterday Holy Spirit woke me up with the words, “kicking against the goads.” I looked up the Scripture context for clarity. One commentary wrote, “As we’ll see, Jesus will use “goads” to force the Pharisee Saul to move in God’s direction. Saul refuses to understand he is hurting others and himself. In effect, Jesus asks, “Why are you doing something so hurtful to yourself and to others? You’re never going to win, and you suffer from negative emotions like anger, bitterness, and pride…(sounds a whole lot like what has been manifesting for way too long and very much so this week from all directions). He’s saying, “Saul, it’s hard on you to kick against the goads.” In effect, Jesus points out how Saul IS RESISTING God’s work, NOT WORKING FOR God as he THINKS.” (
We have been living in an age and a culture where men (or the redefining of) call evil good and call good evil (Isaiah 5:20). I have a heavy intercessor heart for those who profess to be the ‘church’ aligning with counterfeit love. Sadly, there are way too many who do not understand the Kingdom nor the ways of the Kingdom nor anything about what Jesus demonstrated, modeled, sacrificed, or purposed.
We are not called to judge (Lord have mercy on us for far too many judgmental voices in this hour), but neither are we called to condone, mislead, deceive, or Lord forbid, encourage, what is not remotely what Jesus demonstrated or taught. Jesus IS love, compassion, and mercy. However, we can’t have it both ways. We either live in His light or we don’t.
A Season of Grace and Mercy
My spirit groans for those who do not yet see the horrific evil we have just walked through (and are still contending with) into a season of great grace and mercy. I pray we use this season of grace and mercy wisely, especially with our words. I pray we stay humble on our knees, continuing to cry out for the Lord to come and heal our very broken nation reeling from an extremely broken concept of family and church, much less identity and purpose.
Only by the blinding light of Holy Spirit revelation will we ever see what we have been delivered from and the season of grace and mercy we have been ushered into…to steward His love, compassion, and mercy wisely to a profoundly lost and dying world. The Lord will absolutely answer those ‘prayers’ released earlier this week by someone who is ‘kicking against the goads.” It is always His heart and will to demonstrate compassion and mercy to those who are struggling (especially the children) because we live in the dispensation of His grace.
Jesus’ entire ministry of love and compassion is to the lost, the downtrodden, the broken, the hurting, the captives, the sick, and the needy. This is who He is! That doesn’t mean we intentionally propel the struggle, i.e. propel the fear to keep them in bondage. The whole point is true freedom…Kingdom freedom…freedom one will never find apart from Christ because Christ alone casts out all fear.
Misrepresenting Jesus
When we became divided as a nation it’s because the kingdom of darkness knows a house divided against itself cannot stand. The division in our nation is strongly connected to ‘kicking against the goads.” I just ordered sweatshirts that say, “I’m sorry if someone misrepresented Jesus to you.” Somebody gets it…
My intercession is targeted specifically to a ‘church’ who has misrepresented Jesus for far too long with both extremes: from the finger pointing judgers with shame, judgment, and condemnation to those with greasy grace condoning, embracing, promoting what actually destroys lives and is contrary to the ways of the Kingdom. Both extremes are kicking against the goads. I pray for the longing, the searching out of every individual who does ‘church’ to be awakened by Jesus’ authentic love for the Father, the Father’s love for the Son and THAT love for self and others. It is absolutely time to awaken love (SOS: Song of Solomon and SOS). The world is waiting and so is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Lovingkindness vs. Love and Kindness
Only the love of Christ prevailing over this bizarre counterfeit ‘LOVE’ and ‘KINDNESS’ will ever bring restoration and healing to something so immeasurably broken. I pray we do not meet our Maker, our Bridegroom and His coming, only to find we have been “kicking against the goads” when all along we deceptively thought we were doing His will.
It’s only the Father’s LOVINGKINDNESS that leads us back to Him (Romans 2:4). (Note the counterfeit – the kicking against the goads – the irony of touting ‘love’ and ‘kindness.’ Satan knows the Word and he uses it to deceive. It’s time to stop kicking against the goads. It’s time to wake up (there’s another irony – ‘woke’.) It’s time to awaken love.
New Sound Therapy Album and Sessions
Check out my new album release, I AM EASE Intercessory Piano, to facilitate lingering in His Presence, hearing His heart and His will in this hour. Pray about scheduling a Sound Therapy Session to align with the frequencies of Heaven’s atmosphere for such a time as this.