New Sound & Healing Therapy CD Coming Soon!
My newest Sound & Healing Therapy CD entitled, Healing Expressions, is coming soon and I am very excited about this CD project! The entire focus of this CD is healing Scriptures and meditations, impacting the atmosphere not only with specific tunings, settings, and frequencies, but most importantly, with the power in the Word!
In addition to Sound & Healing Therapy and a passion for people to encounter the Healer Himself, I also have a passion to equip a generation of sons and daughters who walk in the fullness of their salvation and callings. I have recently embarked on a new journey and equipping position that utilizes my Teacher gifting. Therefore, if you don’t see as many Sound & Healing Therapy posts and updates in this season, it is because I am focused on my equipping calling at this juncture. I somehow expect that both – 1) Sound & Healing Therapy/people encountering the Healer Himself, and 2) equipping a generation of sons/daughters who know who they are in Christ, who know how our Father has uniquely gifted them, who know His voice and His Word, who rise up as His Kingdom ambassadors and warriors – will merge on the path ahead. We are abundantly blessed to be living for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth in some of the most exciting times to manifest yet!
Look for Healing Expressions Release Date, October 2, 2016, on this website under SHOP PRODUCTS, at, at under SHOP, on CD Baby, Apple iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and where ever digital distribution is available!