A Season For Balance
In July 2017, I clearly heard Holy Spirit tell me to walk away from a job situation and focus on His Presence. He ordered my steps to lose a significant amount of weight (50 pounds), write curriculum, and record His specific sound healing therapy spontaneous instrumental assignments. I immediately received my first curriculum topic via Holy Spirit ‘download’ while in an Atlanta parking lot sitting in the car waiting for our son at the Post Office. I got out my iPhone and typed as quickly as I could. I returned to the Land of the Waterfalls where we were called in May 2016, and began to spend intimate time seeking Him, walking, mountain biking, writing specific to His download topic, and recording my Fragrant Expressions Fall 2017 CD Release, specific to essential oil frequencies, sound healing therapy frequencies, and Scriptures. About this same time, I ended up being thrown up and over the top of my mountain bike handle bars and slammed into a log, cracking a few ribs, and being fairly immobile for about six weeks. During that time, I focused on writing and releasing, The Children’s Heart Cry: Equipping The Generations To BE The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth in November of 2017.
By this time, of course Thanksgiving and Christmas had added an additional six pounds to an already far reaching weight loss goal I had not been obedient to embark on due to the bike accident. In January 2018, I recorded and released my Sound Expressions For Kids CD. I had been walking out everything I was led to focus on, with the exception of my weight. I began the search for something that could help my broken post menopausal metabolism, in addition to Hashimoto’s thyroid issues. I had been on the weight loss yoyo treadmill a total of six times over the course of years due to busyness, pregnancies, major life changes, circumstances, serious accidents, significant moves, and our youngest adopted son’s double kidney failure/transplant at age fifteen. During the summer of 2012, prior to our son’s renal failure, I had gotten myself, through both diet and exercise, down to my lowest weight in years. His intense medical journey lasted nearly a year and a half and required me to be his primary caretaker, oftentimes at the neglect of myself. Since his 2013 renal failure, however, irregardless of how much walking, biking, hiking or eating right/less I embarked on, the scale and pounds continued to climb.
At the onset of 2018, with all of the former behind me, it was truly time to focus on my health, as not only was my thyroid majorly acting up again, but also my glucose and cholesterol levels, digestion, breathing, etc… Every walk, bike ride, or hike felt like I was carrying around an extra fifty pound bag of dog food with regard to my breathing and energy. I felt led to enroll in a FITera weight loss challenge, along with Workout Warriors videos, focusing first on a Paleo lifestyle, then KETO. I knew workouts were going to be a huge challenge after not doing them since 2012. On February 6, not by power or might, but by the Spirit of the Lord – in His strength and grace to be obedient to His leading, a fifty pound weight loss journey began that required resetting my metabolism by eating specific foods at specific times throughout the day, and working out for 60-90 minutes six days per week in a way that would strengthen my overall core muscle groups, alternating with cardio. I promised myself that by my March 2019 birthday, a significant one, that I would absolutely be fifty pounds less, hopefully by the end of July 2018, as I couldn’t bare the thought of being in another group of tens age-wise, along with a dreaded entry into another group of tens weight-wise quickly approaching. I also began writing a new creative arts curriculum to be released in the Summer of 2018 that includes four of my CDs specific to the curriculum, as well as recorded a new CD specific to trauma, also be released in the Summer of 2018.
All that said, I give all glory and praise to the One who instructed and empowered me to achieve all of His directives to me for writing, recording, reading through the entire Word again in four months time, decreasing my cholesterol and glucose numbers, along with a desired 54 pound weigh loss mark over this past season! I am now going to take off an additional few extra pounds for a total of 58-60 pounds lost, simply because I know they are attainable: it was a big stretch for the 50 pounds, before thinking I could actually attain more. One day at a time, it felt like all I got done was workout and meal plan. However, as I document and reflect on the entire year’s journey, so very much more has been revealed!
Through it all, Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about our need, as His sons and daughters, for balance, i.e. body-mind-soul-spirit, in order to be able to be about our Father’s business in this strategically new NOW season before us. Today matters. What He gives us for today is for tomorrow, tomorrow is for a week, the week is for a month, the month is for a season, the season is for a year, and the year is for eternity.
• His Word renews our mind every day.
• Eating clean and working out daily clears a path for renewed bodies and overall health/wellness.
• His Presence fills and renews our spirits throughout each day.
• Intimacy with Him heals and renews our souls (our mind, our will, our emotions) every day.
In order to BE His Kingdom vessels, we must absolutely follow the course He lays out for us. Holy Spirit orders our steps as His sons and daughters one day at a time, one season at a time. Our capacity to love our glorious Lord with all our heart, soul (life), mind (thought, understanding), and strength, and to ‘unselfishly’ love others AS WE LOVE OURSELVES (Mark 12:30-31 AMP) is demonstrated in how we think, speak, act, and steward everything He has blessed us with to steward, including and especially our physical bodies (holistic wellness), minds, souls, and spirits. Our desire to live wholeheartedly and obediently as His worshipers is how the world observes His power, His love, His forgiveness, His restoration, His glory, etc., and its how His Kingdom increases and advances on the Earth as it is in Heaven.
September 2017 Sound and Healing Therapy CD
November 2017 Equipping Curriculums
January 2018 Sound and Healing Therapy CD
August 2018 Creative Arts Equipping Curriculum With Instrumental CDs
August 2018 New Sound and Healing Therapy CD