The Health Benefits of Singing and Music
Even our small western North Carolina newspaper is shouting out the health benefits of music, to add to the many research articles I have shared under Sound Expressions Testimonies. Under Lifestyles, The Transylvania Times in Brevard, NC, wrote an article entitled, The Health Benefits Of Singing A Tune, in their August 30, 2018, edition. They list the ‘surprising’ health benefits of singing frequently as (the numerous benefits of music have been studied/known for years, additional benefits are being discovered all the time, and really aren’t all that surprising since we have been so wonderfully created – Psalm 139:14):
1) Scientifically proven to de-stress, calm, and improve mood;
2) Scientifically proven to positively impact the immune system;
3) Scientifically shown to alleviate snoring, improve lung function, and reduce symptoms of mild asthma;
4) Scientifically shown to improve mental alertness, concentration, memory recollection, and recommended as a treatment option for those battling demential (Alzheimer’s Society, “Singing For the Brain” program);
5) Shown to “reduce loneliness, boost confidence, improve mental function, help with immune response, and be a form of cardiovascular exercise.”
Ray Hughes (author, storyteller, songwriter, and poet) shares his testimony of a physical diagnosis where doctors recommended singing as one of the best cures. We have only begun to scratch the surface of the profound impact that music has pertaining to the human body, mind, soul, and spirit. I am immensely excited to be on this journey with Holy Spirit in creating specific spontaneous Kingdom recording assignments that benefit others to the glory of Jesus Christ! Please check out my SHOP PRODUCTS for Listening Samples, to purchase, or check out my music at, on Apple iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify, Amazon, and wherever digital distribution is available.