Releasing Lovingkindness, Restoring Awe and Wonder

renewing the body through sound

Releasing Lovingkindness, Restoring Awe and Wonder

Today I recorded a YouTube equipping video and Podbean Podcast discussing and magnifying the Lovingkindness of our Heavenly Father and the restoration of the Awe and Wonder of the Lord into the atmosphere of these unsettling times. I incorporate Scripture, encouragement, and a holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit led spontaneous instrumental piece in 396 Hz with the intention of encountering Father’s lovingkindness on behalf of families with children and youth, and restoring the Awe and Wonder of Him. I encourage you to spend time in the Word, in prayer, listening to worship music and Holy Spirit-filled sound therapy music. Check out various suggestions discussed in the podcast under the Products Page on this website (Kingdom children’s books, curriculums, holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit led instrumental music, etc.). I also recommend checking out my sound therapy music at on CD Baby, Apple iTunes Music, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and wherever digital distribution is available. Additionally, all online Sound Therapy Session are 15% off during this time of social distancing.

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