Pandemics, Whatevers, and Suddenlies!

renewing the body through sound

Pandemics, Whatevers, and Suddenlies!

The Arts Expressed Holy Spirit Adventures Episode #4 Pandemics, Whatevers, and Suddenlies!

These past several months we have found ourselves in the midst of worldwide pandemic, i.e. Covid-19 fears, panic, anxiety, lockdown restrictions, and re-opening phases, along with chaotic 24/7 media and social media wars, lies, anger, and division. One can choose to immerse one’s self in all of the fears, the loss, and the panic, or one can intentionally choose to renew one’s mind every minute of every hour of every day by spending time with Holy Spirit, in the Word, an specifically the intention of the following truth:

Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].” Philippians 4:8

We Become What We Behold

We truly do become what we choose to focus on. Our health and state of well-being, body-mind-soul-spirit absolutely depend on us to choose correctly. I exhort and encourage you to find the very things the above Scripture speaks of that are unique and personal to you – the very things that release the frequencies of EASE – and focus entirely on those things. There is no safer position than in the Presence of Holy Spirit and in the Word. Tune out all of the negative frequencies coming from all of that which result in DIS-EASE; all of the stress and anxiety that fear, lies, anger, and panic produce.


As someone who’s primary Life Languages are Shaper-Producer-Contemplator-Doer, I oftentimes sense Holy Spirit promptings for events/promises on the path ahead years ahead of their actual manifestation. Since timing is always our issue, not Father God’s, this can sometimes lead to hope-deferred or disappointment. Therefore, it is always imperative to focus on thankfulness for the beauty of creation, for the freedoms we’ve been given in Christ and in our nation, for our families and friends, with the intention of the opening Philippians 4:8 Scripture. As we do, we will clearly sense that this is a year and a season like none other with many suddenlies long awaited for on the horizon. Keep looking up, keep focusing on the Prince of Peace that surpasses all understanding. Keep focusing on our Heavenly Father who still sits on the throne; who is the same yesterday, today, and eternally; who loves every single one of us with an infinite eternal love that was demonstrated through His Son; whose lovingkindness is the only thing that leads nations and the individuals who comprise them to repentance; the One who truly can change a nation in a day. His Word always accomplishes what He sends it to do and never returns void. Expect His suddenlies in this very NOW time, manifesting in the same incredible power that was exhibited at Pentecost at the birthing of the church. The Kingdom Age is NOW and it is within you…suddenly!

The Reset

In the midst of this Divine Pause between Passover and Pentecost, I have been rebuilding my website for the Reset we are being given as individuals and as nations. There is a post I wrote years ago, relative to NOW, that I did not want to lose sight of in the shift and in downsizing several websites to this one. I am sharing the post below from 2011 as encouragement for all who have waited many years for His suddenlies, in need of exhortation that empowers them to keep pressing forward as we wait expectantly for the unseen to become the seen, dispelling all that has come fervently against us along the journey.

Hummingbirds and Suddenlies!

Last evening a dear friend from across the world and I were praying together when some very interesting treasures came to the forefront. I was prompted to revisit an article I had written back in August of 2011, specific to those details. Since writing the original article, we have been sent to the land of the waterfalls in western North Carolina, but the hummingbird visits continue up in the mountains. After re-reading my original article, I am prompted to repost it, as its content and relevance is even more timely today than when I originally posted it. I also had another friend message me recently about having read my original article as more confirmation of it’s NOW time.

Be sure to research
hummingbird frequencies!

I am currently sitting on my deck. Tthank You, Lord, for cool enough temperatures to actually enjoy this Minnesota summer morning! I am seeking the Lord, and surrounded by 60 foot pine trees and a unique symphony of bird choruses. As I gaze down at the flower garden in front of me, I see what appear to be bumblebees feasting on the nectar of bright purple and pink flowers that vividly contrast the surrounding green. Suddenly, I take note that what I am specifically observing is beside an actual bumblebee and is slightly larger, so I stand to capture a closer look. In an instant, I am keenly aware that what I have been watching in reality is a baby hummingbird, along with several other baby hummingbirds, and I am awestruck! They are so tiny, so beautiful, and so unaware of (or unconcerned by) my watchful presence. Frequently the mama and papa hummingbirds have visited the hanging plants on my deck and I always freeze, in order to take in the delight of watching for as long as they choose to hover. Never before, however, have I been abundantly blessed to witness their little ones, and so close! It stirs such joy, delight and amazement in my spirit.

I see the world through the lens of the Kingdom of Heaven. The prophetic symbolism of the hummingbird is the first thought that comes to mind. I get my resources in order to delve further into the wonder of what I have been so privileged to witness. One of my sources ( reads: “rapid success from a small beginning will be as sweet as honey; ‘flying jewels’; compact, strong muscles: tiniest of all birds, small ideas or concepts may possess much potential and power; high maneuverability to hover; travels at 65 mph then comes to a complete stop; flying forward, straight up and down, sideways, and backwards, obtain nectar and the sweet treasures of life and eat insects. Focus on the good, beauty and joy in people.”Another source states that hummingbirds symbolize freedom, energy, tireless joy, and accomplishing things that are said to be impossible. Also, as a side-note, hummingbirds are the ONLY birds that can fly backwards.

Finally, unable to locate my source, therefore I won’t quote, but rather, restate, one writes about the tongue of the hummingbird being able to bypass the tough, bitter outer layers of the plant in order to find hidden treasure beneath. The essence of my children’s book, “I Am A Good Idea,” is all about finding the hidden treasures within each individual! I also note that these are baby hummingbirds, which always represent birthing; “something new and delicate that is totally dependent upon you taking care of it: a ministry, business in infancy stage; fruitfulness; reproduction (”

This all has personal significance, as I have been praying, fasting, and waiting on a number of promises/prophetic prayers and words spoken over me/my family for years. The hummingbirds symbolize both reflecting back, and of the ‘suddenlies’ that will take place in my life and in my family moving forward. I believe this for many prayers covering this nation and this generation as well. My eyes well up with tears as I think about the precious way the Holy Spirit chooses to so intimately and personally reveal my Heavenly Father’s answer to heartfelt cries for being His vessel in bringing His Kingdom to come and His will to be done. In the stillness, He clarifies His desires for the season that is at hand.

Write The Vision Down

Years ago, the Lord instructed me to write the vision down, and though it tarried, to wait for it (Habakkuk 2:2-3). He was also clear that I was not to despise small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). I have spent much of my adult life walking out this vision with the children the Lord has so richly blessed my husband and me with: all six…three biological, including a set of twins, and an adopted sibling group of three – all at once, older and non-English speaking! I have focused on teaching each one their identity in Christ through His Word, their homeschool curriculum, and through a daily journey called life. This journey has centered around intimately knowing the voice/presence of the Holy Spirit and a desire to live their lives and use their giftings for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. I have also focused on identifying and nurturing the specific and unique giftings the Father has placed within each one. We have a drummer/studio musician/audio production specialist, a guitarist/bassist/graphic designer artist, a vocalist/dancer/keyboardist/photographer, a gift of helps/creative artist/missionary heart/writer/worshiper, a lyrical dancer/writer/gift of helps/worshiper, and a finder of the lost/gifts of helps/kairos Word from Scripture child. Each one unique, each one special, and each one a gift from Heaven sent to Earth to be expression of His nature through their assigned giftings.

Sound Expressions and The Arts Expressed have been an evolving vision in my spirit and in my heart since the Lord gave me a heart for gifted and talented kids back in college; maybe even since Jr./Sr. High Science project days. He has however, shaped the vision into such a portrayal of His beauty that I could not have remotely fathomed or thought of in my own strength. Over the years of walking it out in the homeschooling environment of our six children and in our family ministry, the Lord has brought it to a place where it so much better manifests His heart than my own. He has been teaching me a multitude of things about myself and the depths of the identity His Son purchased for my freedom to be who He has called me, to see myself as my Father sees me through His righteousness and nothing less, and who He has created and gifted me to be as an expression of Heaven on Earth.

Every Individual Is Gifted

From that perspective, He has so clearly emphasized that EVERY individual is gifted, talented, and created with unique purpose for a specific Kingdom assignment here on Earth. He has called me to find and release the limitless treasures He has hidden in others, regardless of age, but especially from the earliest of ages. It is NEVER too late to discover the gifts He placed within you! Through Jesus, the Father has placed infinite good and infinite beauty intentionally to be expressed throughout the Earth through His vessels. He wants all people to know His love and joy – all of the Fruits of His Spirit – and what better way to manifest His nature to a world in need than through His Son via Holy Spirit via His sons and daughters expressing the vast array of endless creative gifts He has placed within each member of His creation. Every created being is a container for expressing the Father’s inexhaustible creativity. We have each been given the freedom to choose whether to use our God-given gifts for the Kingdom of Heaven or not. The evidence of this is all around us daily. Please note, that I am not stating that our gifts are to be used exclusively in the church. To the contrary, our gifts are to be used out in the world wherever we’ve been placed/called. We are to be the Kingdom of Heaven’s sphere of influence – the Church He is building and advancing – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, wisdom, understanding, council, might, knowledge and reverential awe of the Lord – wherever those who don’t yet know Him are!

The Arts Expressed and Sound Expressions purposes to stir up, discover, nurture, and equip the giftings the Lord has placed within each individual person who seeks to discover their unique and specific purpose here on Earth; the individual assignments given to each one to develop and release. There is no one else who can contribute and share what the Father has created you to express. What an amazing and mind-boggling concept to grasp! I believe The Arts Expressed is going to be a center with high maneuverability that will ‘suddenly’ be propelled into the lives of those who are seeking identity, purpose, and to be an expression of Heaven on Earth through the development of their giftings, talents, and skills in a multitude of areas, but especially in the creative arts. I also believe there will be a non-profit piece to The Arts Expressed that will be created specifically to reach those the world has cast aside; the ones the world labels as ‘orphans,’ and those who feel isolated, alone, or ‘orphaned.’ The Father’s eyes are on each and every one and in Him, there are no orphans, only a family waiting to embrace and love them. He created each and every individual to know and receive the gift of His Son, and through Him, be activated and released in their unique giftings within; to know their specific assignment and to take their place in all He has purposed for this time in His story. His desire is for them to be trained up in the way they should go, follow Him in a vital and living love relationship, as well as develop the skills and giftings He can use to transform the atmospheres of their nations.

A Born Psalmist

In the process, I will be blessed to continue to use my own giftings as a pianist, psalmist, teacher, and writer (as well as wife and mother. The worship, prayer, prophetic giftings, identity in Christ, authority in Christ, and being a daughter who desires to be an expression of her Father’s heart and will, by His Spirit and His Word through His blood, is the foundation of my journey. In Him, I am free to be me, and in Him, I am free indeed! In Him, I am on Earth to be used to release others to walk freely as He made a way for and created them to be: free to love, free to walk in joy and peace, free to be patient/kind/and gentle, free to be self-less, free to be compassionate and merciful…free to be an inexhaustible list of adjectives that express the goodness of Heaven on Earth through who we are in Christ and what’s/Who’s inside of us to express, however we have been gifted to express it!

Yes, I have been blessed with birthing a big vision that contains much Kingdom potential and power (the hummingbirds :). I know the One who is faithful to do what He says He will do, and the One who will bring it to pass, not by might or power, but by His Spirit…SUDDENLY!

P.S. Note: The Arts Expressed, as does Sound Expression’s School of the Psalmists, have a unique music instruction methodology that encompasses technical facility, ear training and musicianship in order to develop creativity through spontaneous improvisation and original composition, i.e. creating music. It involves learning to develop the tools of musical excellence and skill, in collaboration with identity/relationship in Christ, facilitating new/original songs, as well as following the leading of the Holy Spirit spontaneously in worship and in ministry.

FYI: Mama and papa hummingbird have visited my deck three times since starting this post, and yes, that number has significance, too! We were blessed to capture a portion of the baby hummingbird experience on video, but unfortunately the file was too large to post on this site, even after condensing the resolution.

Written August 5, 2011 by Tammy Sorenson



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