Releasing Opposite Frequencies

Two opposing frequencies cannot coexist; the quantum Law of Resonance states that the strongest resonating frequency in any atmosphere will cause all lesser frequencies to come into alignment with it. Releasing the opposite positive frequency into anxiety, negativity, stress, fear, anger, chaos, etc. is vital and necessary to health and wellness, especially when circumstances around us become tumultuous. Intentionally releasing the opposite positive frequency creates balance for wholeness and well-being. During these turbulent times in which we find ourselves, prayer, meditation, and worship are imperative and key. I offer the following on behalf of many individuals seeking the peace, balance, and healing that Jesus alone can be. Holy Spirit is always the strongest resonating frequency in any atmosphere because of the power in the blood and the Word of Christ.
Father God have mercy and manifest healing into the many hurting, broken people in our nation and throughout the world. Manifest healing over and into our very divided broken nation. Release Your Lovingkindness into the hatred. Release Your Gentleness into the violence. Release Your Calm into the storm. Release Your Rest into the unrest. Release Your Peace into the anarchy. Release Your Goodness into the evil. Release Your Truth into the lies. Release Your Integrity into the deception. Release Your Joy into the anger. Release Your Understanding into the misunderstanding. Release Your Patience into the rebellion. Release Your Assurance into the fear. Release Your Clarity into the confusion. Release Your Wisdom into the uncertainty. Release Your Oneness into the disunity. Release Your Justice into the injustice. Release Your Trustworthiness into the mistrust. Release Your Provision into the destruction and loss. Release Your Comfort into the grief. Release Your Strength into the weakness. Release Your Healing into the brokenness. Release Your Order into the chaos. Release Your Reconciliation into the division.
Awaken Your people who carry ALL that You are to BE all that You have called us to be. Awaken Your people to the deception of being blinded by the god of this age through the media lies/propaganda. Speak loudly Holy Spirit. Open blind eyes. Open deaf ears. Awaken Your sons and daughters! We repent of pushing You out of our government, our schools, our communities, our court system, and out of this nation, Father God. We humble ourselves. We ask You to help turn us from our wicked ways. Continue what YOU initiated through Dr. Martin Luther King as a reconciler through peace and unity. Release Your Body to be the ministers of reconciliation Christ made a way for us to be. Here we are, send us! Pour out all that You alone are as the solution – as the only answer – in this critical hour in Your story. Release us to be indivisible under You alone, Father. Release Your liberty and Your justice for all in the power of and to the glory of Christ, our Lord, our Savior, and our King!
Listen to Holy Spirit inspired holistic instrumental music. Spend intentional time resting in research based frequency music created spontaneously by inspiration of Holy Spirit. Spend time meditating on/in the Word. The Word is living and active. Holy Spirit quickens and highlights NOW Words needed for each day and each circumstance. The Word and Holy Spirit alone transform hearts and minds. The Word and the Spirit are foundational to the prayers we need/are led to pray. The Word alone always accomplishes what it was sent to do: manifest the heart and will of our Heavenly Father and establish His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Additionally, schedule a massage therapy session, a chiropractic adjustment, a spa appointment, intentional rest breaks, and/or a Sound Therapy Session to help facilitate the journey of balance, peace, holistic health, and wholeness.
Copyright 2020 Tammy Sorenson.