True Justice Is A Frequency

renewing the body through sound

True Justice Is A Frequency

The Beginning

In June 2003, our family ministry, Jaran Family Ministries, traveled to Kansas City with Kids in Ministry International as the worship team for a KIMI Conference where Lou Engle launched a children’s prayer movement to overturn Roe v Wade. Our middle son debuted his guitar playing call that week, after five years of traveling as our bass guitarist, and Lou Engle prophesied over him. We were given LIFE shirts with the Martin Luther King quote, “Justice delayed for too long is justice denied.”


On June 19th, 2020, ONERACE in Atlanta held a worship, prayer, march gathering from Centennial Park to the Georgia Capital and back. Our son, with guitar in hand, was the musical director for the International House of Prayer Atlanta team which led the morning worship and prayer ahead of the march. There’s far too much history in all of this to go into the many details, but I will state that our twins (after a lengthy complicated pregnancy and hydrocephalus diagnosis for our daughter, manifesting in a Heaven sent miracle for her) were born on the very anniversary of Roe v Wade…a double portion. I will also state that we raised our six children, including three older siblings adopted from Guatemala, with a Kingdom lens that sees the heart of the individual, not ethnicity. Our twins, a son and a daughter, are and have a God-given-ordained musical sound of racial reconciliation in their life lens and in their individual musical gifts/skills. They have spent most of their growing up and young adult years BE-ing His Kingdom son and daughter in this calling.

Back to the ONERACE event. While packing to attend the event, I could not find the ONERACE shirt I had bought when attending a major event at Stone Mountain two years prior. Inquiring of Holy Spirit, my red LIFE shirt from the KIMI Conference in 2003 kept popping up, thus I packed it. During the morning worship/prayer session at the ONERACE event, one of the speakers shared he had a dilemma of what to wear and was instructed to wear his red shirt as a symbol of reconciliation…the same color I had been led to wear.

All to say, worship/prayer with our son leading the worship team was off the charts, and to march on Martin Luther King Street alongside our son wearing my LIFE shirt, on June 19th, a significant day of freedom celebration for brothers and sisters in the Black community, in the midst of these uncertain times was an experience that defies words.

Worship and Intercession Are Key

I worshipped and interceded with all that was in me, especially for an awakening on issues pertaining to His justice for the unborn, and for an awakening of the Body of Christ to live wholeheartedly for the Kingdom in all aspects of life – open eyes and open ears to the truth concerning the far left political party believed to be an advocate when history and facts reveal oppression. I was grieved in my spirit much of the day over the god of this age holding the church captive…over the Body of Christ. I interceded fervently for an awakening on a multitude of levels…for an opening of blind eyes and deaf ears to Truth as Jesus alone, as Holy Spirit alone, can manifest for the advancing of His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

He Orders Every Step

This 28 year journey with our twins, significantly activated 17 years ago, came to a kairos juncture this very weekend. I am profoundly excited about being alive in the Kingdom for such a time as this, and continue to press in fervently, staying the course with the call my Heavenly Father has ordained for my life, and for our family in this strategic time in both our nation and His Story. The justice of Christ is a frequency. He alone embodies the unique and supernatural sound/frequency that IS true justice, manifesting the justice that causes injustice to come into alignment with the heartbeat of Heaven. His justice alone is the victory every individual is in search of in this hour.

P.S. Our son’s grandfather, my husband’s father, marched with Martin Luther King in the 1960’s Chicago march. Nothing is coincidence. He promises to order our steps…literally.

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