New Remote Staff Position

I am excited to announce the beginning of an amazing journey with a new remote sound therapy staff position! As of May 2023, I am officially on staff at Well-Being By Design as their Sound Therapist for remote sound therapy sessions. In 2019-2020, Dr. Alphonzo Monzo III, founder of the Aleph Tav Body System, along with his wellness clinic partner, Kimberly Kubitza, approached me about remote sound and healing therapy sessions, along with a recording project specific to the Aleph Tav Body System. I spent a season specifically dedicated to the recording of this anointed and amazing project at Holy Spirit leading, as well as to the production piece in order to release quality music with excellence. The sound therapy music for the Aleph Tav Body System is available on my Music Downloads Website in two formats: a Compilation Album with ten minute versions of each Aleph Tav Body Cycle, as well as full thirty minute versions of each Aleph Tav Body Cycle. See further details under SHOP PRODUCTS on this website banner.
Earlier this month, I was contacted by Well-Being By Design’s to be their remote sound therapist. I accepted the position immediately. It was also requested I create a tuning fork session specific to the Aleph Tav Body System Cycles. This brand new session is now available through their wellness clinic. Each of my varying sound and healing therapy sessions, under SHOP PRODUCTS on this website banner are also now being offered remotely through Well-Being By Design. I am thoroughly excited about being on board with this excellent Health Restoration Ministry. I am also abundantly thankful, i.e. humbly grateful, for this wonderful opportunity to be a part of such an amazing staff and wellness center! Thank You, Lord! Hope to connect with you through Well-Being By Design soon!