Beginning This New Chapter

renewing the body through sound

Beginning This New Chapter

A new year always brings with it opportunities for beginning a new chapter. Two Scriptures strongly in my spirit paramount to closing out the last season and to beginning this new chapter are:

Isaiah 43:18-21 TPT, “Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert. Wild beasts, jackals, and owls will glorify Me. For I supply streams of water in the desert and rivers in the wilderness to satisfy the thirst of My people, My chosen ones, so that you, whom I have shaped and formed for Myself, will proclaim My praise.”

Song of Solomon 2:10-15 TPT, “The one I love calls to me: Arise, My dearest. Hurry, My darling. Come away with Me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to My heart and lead you out. For now is the time, My beautiful one. The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of My purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, “There is change in the air.” Arise, My love, My beautiful companion, and run with Me to the higher place, for now is the time to arise and come away with Me. For you are My dove, hidden in the split-open rock. It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky. Let Me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice. How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice in prayer. You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship. For they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what I’ve planted within you. Will you catch them and remove them for Me? We will do it together.”

A 21 Day Fast

A number of ministries have called for a fast throughout the first 21 days of January. This is a strategic time to passionately pursue our Heavenly Father’s heart and will for the path ahead. This year’s fast has an urgency to it. Communion is encouraged as an integral piece of both the pursuit and the fast. I will be participating on behalf of my Heavenly Father’s purpose for my own journey, our family, our community, our state, our nation, and the nations. I will not be participating on social media during that time other than to offer intercession, psalming, or Kingdom encouragement at Holy Spirit leading.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

2025 is a year to focus on the Gospels. Jesus wholeheartedly demonstrated what the Kingdom of Heaven is to look like on Earth. 2025 is year to keep our focus fixed on Jesus: as King, as Lord, as Bridegroom, and the Lover of our Souls. It is only in keeping our focus on Him that we will receive what is necessary to speak, to discern, to act upon, etc..

Everything in the atmosphere where Jesus is seated and interceding on our behalf consists of higher resonating frequencies. In the Throne Room, the kingdom of darkness was long ago cast out and victoriously defeated. Christ in us emboldens and empowers us to live accordingly. We are to see, hear, speak, and walk out our Heavenly Father’s heart and will.

“Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. Fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always” (Philippians 4:8 TPT). Because there are no lower resonating frequencies in the Throne Room, anything and everything to do with the kingdom of darkness or what the enemy is doing are all lower resonating frequencies; distractions from our truth and our eternal reality.

BE the Light

The only way for the Light to dispel the darkness is simply to BE the Light. 2025 is a year for us to “Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for our light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from us!” We are to “Look carefully! Darkness blankets the Earth, and thick clouds covers the nations, but Yahweh arises upon us and the brightness of His glory appears over us! Nations will be attracted to our radiant light and kings to the sunrise-glory of our new day.” We are called to “Lift up our eyes higher! Look all around and believe…” (Isaiah 60:1-4a TPT).

For beginning this new chapter, Scripture has made the path clear. Jesus is the Light of the world. Jesus in us, His Bride, as sons and daughters of the Most High God, IS the Light in, over, for, and through us. Jesus is the focus – higher, deeper, wider – throughout 2025. I encourage you to yield to His Light in beginning this new chapter.

Focusing on Jesus is the only way we can ever truly be His hands, His feet, and a tangible demonstration of His mercy and compassion to the orphan, the widow, the broken, the needy, the prisoner, the captive. We are called to those He sends us only through the power of HIS Light and in HIS Love. 2025 is a year of Holy Spirit beckoning us to draw near 24/7. Jesus is inviting us to “ascend into the realm where He can reveal what He desires to share with us” (Revelation 4:1 TPT). James 4:8 TPT states it ever so clearly: “Move your heart closer and closer to God, and He will come even closer to you…”

New Intercessory Piano Album Coming

Paramount to my own personal pursuit of His Presence, Holy Spirit has created an intimate and calming new intercessory piano album I will be releasing in late January or February. Look for upcoming and exciting updates!

Heartfelt Thank You and Gratitude for Each of You!

I am immeasurably grateful and humbled by the many precious Kingdom treasures I have had the honor and blessing of being invited into their healing journeys throughout 2024. I look forward to many more priceless connections on the path ahead. I am also abundantly blessed beyond measure by each of my monthly streamers, subscribers, and those who invest in my music. Thank you infinitely and eternally!!!

Be sure to schedule a sound therapy appointment to facilitate keeping frequencies in alignment in beginning this new chapter. Consider gifting my music or one of my sound therapy sessions to someone in need of sound therapy support on their individual healing journeys.


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