Stress-Filled Atmospheres and the Benefits of VoiceBio (VAH) Sound & Healing Therapy

renewing the body through sound

Stress-Filled Atmospheres and the Benefits of VoiceBio (VAH) Sound & Healing Therapy

I am passionate about continuing to release Holy Spirit led spontaneous recording assignments and CD releases. Coming soon is a Sound Expressions CD release created specifically for children (and parents/teachers) while riding in the car, studying, homework, quiet time, classroom time, bedtime, sleep issues, etc.. More and more people around the globe are realizing the need for shifting away from stress-filled atmospheres and toward holistic healing approaches, searching specifically for music to play a significant role in that journey.

I am also passionate about working with clients, both in person and online. With each session, VoiceBio software (the new software owners have renamed it Voice Analysis Harmony) continues to amaze clients and provides me with the necessary information to minister creatively, personally, more accurately, and specifically to each one. I am abundantly blessed when Holy Spirit conducts me in creating a uniquely personal instrumental piece for each client, and even more so, how immensely blessed they are to encounter His Presence, both intimately and specifically for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. I have received many positive and powerful testimonies following each session (*See Testimonies on this website). Many are pleasantly surprised in being referred to me and having no idea of what to expect in their session. Couples gifting sound & healing therapy sessions to one another other has also become a unique and awesome experience:

“Thank you very much, Tammy. We had a wonderful time yesterday, and we came back to our hosts last night and played our ‘new songs’ for them.  They are very interested in this. Listening again to the music, I’m even more impressed by how beautiful it is.  As well as healing.  And listening to my husband’s!  It is such a mysterious thing, I can’t explain it, but it is so him. So thank you again.  We’re so excited about this — it’s the best anniversary gift we could have given one another!”

Holistic healing, i.e. body, mind, soul, and spirit, is important to everyone’s journey. Sound and music inherently and creatively possess a strategically important role, as do tunings, settings, keys, Scriptures, and Holy Spirit (not necessarily in that order). I intimately know the Word, the Spirit, how to play skillfully on my instrument (piano/keyboard), and Voice Bio (VAH) Sound & Healing Therapy. What we allow into our atmospheres, our minds, our emotions, our spirits, and our physical bodies impacts each of us profoundly. I have extensively studied the research, including the results of cancer cells being imploded by their own resonant frequencies in my certification coursework. There will be more and more validation of this in coming years, such as this Gaia video entitled, Proof That Sound Can Kill Cancer, and Scientists Tune Into Music’s Healing Power.

Consider giving the gift of a sound & healing therapy session and/or sound & healing therapy music, or visit CD Baby, Apple iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, or wherever digital music is sold) in 2018 to yourself, a loved one, or someone in need of a personal touch from the Healer Himself, who purchased healing by His stripes. Contact Sound Expressions for an appointment today!

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