The Strongest Resonating Frequency

renewing the body through sound

The Strongest Resonating Frequency

I will always remember when Holy Spirit spoke the words, “I AM always the strongest resonating frequency in any room.” Combine these words with the following excerpt, and the implications for massive impact are astounding:

“It would be accurate to say that the frequency and vibration of light and sound is love. Therefore, every memory or experience in our life is subject to be overridden by the frequency and vibration of God’s love working in us. I am fully convinced that through the sound of worship, our cells vibrate at the frequency of Heaven, which is made of the love of God. As a result, we increasingly come under the auspices of the spirit of immortality, which is continually working in us.” (Michael A. Danforth, “How To Forget Unwanted Memories,” Yakima, WA, 2018, pg. 97)

I would say that my testimony of overcoming intertwines both worship and the spirit of sonship. My lens for worship and identity in Christ was mostly shaped from a piano/organ bench in a denominational church until my thirties, in spite of a radical encounter with HIs overwhelming presence as a teenager. With the birth of our first child, I had this urging in my spirit that there was so much more of Him to be experienced…so much more of His Word being active and living in me. The search involved navigating multiple denominations/non-denominations and Holy Spirit movements, daily Word, worship, prayer, home-educating a Biblical worldview, adoption, worship/children’s/family/house of prayer ministry, and so much more. It all played a major role in who I am, but it all also played a major role in hindering the manifestation of who I really am in Christ. It’s been a 40 year wilderness journey much like that of the Israelites. Yet, I live to testify of His goodness and glory!

All along the journey, as recent as last weekend at a phenomenal worship experience, I have always noticed those who straggle in during the actual worship or even skip worship all together to arrive in time for the main event, which in the church is mostly the message (I am not making light of the message – *see below). An orphan spirit drives that mindset, because if one truly understood sonship through the spirit of adoption, worship IS always the main event…and it is magnificently so much more than singing songs we like, feeling the tingling or weight of His glorious presence, etc..

*Faith comes by hearing the Word. Sermons/messages play a major role for equipping the Body/discipling. However, research reveals it takes 21 days to make a habit. With our immeasurable access to excellent messages/sermons/teaching/equipping/coaching, how’s our nation doing? How many are actually walking out what the messages teach repetitively enough to form new habits? Truth: encounters with and in His Presence/His love supernaturally transform lives in a way that striving to form new habits can’t attain. Living daily a lifestyle as Spirit and Truth worshipers is paramount to transformation as sons/daughters. Inhabiting our praises (Psalm 22:3) is a literal, tangible place. Releasing your sound in the corporate symphony of worship is vital and necessary for such a time as this: it’s the sound that all of creation is groaning for in Romans 8:19 – the sound of true sons/daughters awakening to His love and ALL that He has already made us to be on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Worship is the divine supernatural transformational exchange of all that Christ IS for all He has created you to BE. Worship is the glorious encounter of the One who IS love, the One who loves you infinitely best and most, and the One who defines, sees, and calls you perfected in Him. Worship is loving on the One who delights you, body, mind, soul, and spirit. When one truly comprehends what worship is and what worship actually does in both the seen and unseen realms, everything shifts. There are absolutely no English language words to describe it. When the true realization of being His worshiper/His son hits, tears of thankfulness and joy are the only response. Standing still on the inside is impossible, much less on the outside. I have swimming pools of tears in the spirit realm from worshiping the One who so has so moved and transformed me in the position of BEing His worshiper.

If one actually takes the time to process/be transformed by the lyrics of so many beautifully written and anointed worship songs we sing today, it literally takes our breath away; only for Him to be the breath that once again initiates taking our next one. There is so much more to His love, His creation, His purposes, our sonship than what we have settled for as a church. Kingdom is what Jesus demonstrated. Kingdom is what His disciples are called to. Don’t settle for the seen realm. Don’t settle for church as usual. Don’t settle for culture or entertainment or busyness or importance with man. Don’t settle period.

Sonship is a divine eternal encounter that involves the frequencies and vibrations of a love that does not exist apart from our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, and through BEing the Spirit and Truth worshipers/son/daughters He has created us to BE and live on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Our testimony makes a way for our calling. My testimony is that of BEing wholly and completely His, both as worshiper (in Spirit and Truth, John 4:23-24) and daughter (spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15)). My testimony is resonating with Holy Spirit, who is always resonating with Father’s love, and always the strongest resonating frequency anywhere for all eternity. What is your testimony? What frequency are you resonating with or receiving?

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