We See In A Mirror Dimly

My early morning mountain walk was accompanied by the cool, foggy autumn air and many brightly colored falling leaves sounding like the pitter patter of a light rain. Holy Spirit highlighted the fog with His Word: “For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].” 1 Corinthians 13:12
Even though the fog was ever present directly on the path ahead, it graciously allowed me to see precisely what was needed in order to complete my daily five mile route. Passing by the waterfalls that gently flow down through the fog included a reminder of the living waters Holy Spirit flows through our innermost being, regardless of the state of our natural eyesight (how we see in a mirror dimly). Pressing onward with every step, my spirit was increasingly and gratefully built up in His Peace, His Rest, His Love, His Majesty, and immeasurably more. My heart overflows with thankfulness, worship, and praise to the One who loves and knows me intimately. All along the way, my Heavenly Fathers communed with me, sharing strategic and specific decrees on His heart on behalf of others needing vessels connecting Heaven to Earth this day we have been given. Words escape description for the contentment my spirit receives beginning every morning in His Presence in the midst of His Creation, safe and secure in who He is and who He has made me to be. There is no greater joy…no higher calling…than to simply BE with and in Him.
This is the place of highest resonant frequency, holistic health, ease over dis-ease, and of the abundant life Jesus purchased on our behalf to walk in. We were create to focus on Him and all that He is in every thought, word, deed, and response. All the noise, chaos, clashing, and distractions presently manifesting in our nation and throughout the world are far lesser negative frequencies that can only be overcome through sons and daughters staying in their position of His higher frequencies – agape love, peace, and joy. The atmosphere of Heaven continually resounds with worship. We were created to live and thrive in that atmosphere, causing all else to come into His alignment and His glory. This is our eternal destiny. We are called to love others through this lens alone. This is the place where mercy triumphs over judgment. This is the place where His love is victorious and overcomes all. This is the place where Truth prevails. He is beckoning us to come up higher…to see through the fog…to hear His voice above the lesser frequencies. Press in…press up, oh sons and daughters of the Most God. You were born for such a time as this!