renewing the body through sound


The weather forecast for the entire day included 40 to 100 percent chance of rain. Due to a continual battle with weight and our daughter’s upcoming wedding, a rest day was not an option. I sensed Holy Spirit beckoning me to rest IN HIM (I AM YOUR OASIS), as opposed to the natural rest my body was desiring the rain to provide. I proceeded to put on my rain poncho, grabbed my umbrella and set out on the five mile trek up and down the 20+ mountainous hills.

Today’s rain contrasted starkly with my last torrential downpour adventure. A gentle, quietly still drizzle enveloped the majority of today’s endeavor. There was a calm in the atmosphere resonating, “Be still and know that I AM God” (Psalm 46:10). Throughout the five miles birds, scampering deer, oncoming vehicles and even an excavation in process tried to pull my thoughts/prayers from the stillness, yet I endeavored to stay firm in the position of His rest.

On my final leg, the sound of the rain began to intensify beyond that of a gentle drizzle. I again took note of distractions along with the increasing rain attempting to pull me from the position of stillness, i.e. resting in Him, analogous to the increasing tensions in our nation and the weight of immense prayer burdens specific to all that is stake on behalf of the upcoming generations. Yet, Holy Spirit continued to speak: “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. ” (Matthew 11:28 TPT).

This speaks profoundly and significantly to me as His psalmist. My name, Tammy, means palm tree, and is intricately connected to the word ‘oasis’ throughout Scripture, as well as to my calling as His Psalmist. I so delight in how Holy Spirit uses nature to succinctly and clearly speak to us. As our nation continues to clash, we are exhorted to simply “be still and KNOW that He is God”…to know Him as the living waters that cleanse, refresh, and restore our minds, our bodies, our souls, and our spirits…and that regardless of the intensity of distractions, circumstances, or the burdens ever pulling at us and increasing in the natural, we can truly be still and walk in His supernatural rest 24/7. Abundantly thankful and blessed with all praise and glory unto Him!

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