Frequencies in Motion
Frequencies in Motion: October 31, 2020 was one of the best October 31st’s I’ve experienced yet! I was humbly blessed to psalm and lead a group of children, along with their parents, in spontaneous praise, worship, movement, and Kingdom decrees in downtown Hendersonville, NC, in front of the courthouse.
Holy Spirit showed up as, “Out of the lips of children and infants He has ordained praise.” “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” We activated frequencies in motion, i.e.. sound, color, movement, Scriptures, etc. and shifted the spiritual atmosphere one color at a time, decreeing the significance of the colors and Scripture revelations specific to our identity as sons and daughters of the Most High.
I utilized portions of my new Sound Therapy for Children and Youth, entitled, I AM SOUND Sound Therapy for this gathering. Visit SHOP PRODUCTS on this website for more details, as well as my new online course by the same title.
We were also abundantly blessed to spend the evening with a wonderful group of intercessors on top of a mountain with a breathtaking, spectacular view of western NC, interceding over the upcoming elections, children, October 31st, the Body of Christ, our nation, and so much more as Holy Spirit conducted our prayers of unity. Blessed beyond measure!
(Note: I had many more awesome pics of the children but I don’t share those without permission.”
The attached pictures of frequencies in motion are worth a thousand words.