WarShip to Cruise Ship to Ark
As a prophetic psalmist/intercessor, I have spent a lifetime discovering the progression from warship to cruise ship to ark. Up until recent years, that journey has been navigated mostly through the church. I have been in the trenches of worship music as it both exploded and transformed from its humble beginnings in the 1970’s to the massive industry it has become today. I equally and intimately know the winepress of prayer and intercession, having navigated major transitions over the past several decades. As a pioneer, i.e. a forerunner, I have followed Holy Spirit leading through the wilderness of both worship and intercession intimately, deeply, painfully, and profoundly.
WarShip Mode
Much of the journey has been akin to that of a warship, intently focused on what the enemy was doing and prayer strategizing accordingly. Binding, loosing, and commanding the kingdom of darkness to keep its hands off of our bodies, our families, and our churches. Beginning around 1999-2001, perspective began to shift with the weaving of worship and intercession in preparation of becoming the tabernacle of David the Lord decreed He would rebuild in the last days (Acts 15:16, “After these things I will return, And I will rebuild the tent of David which has fallen; I will rebuild its ruins, And I will restore it…” AMP).
This shift was the onset of the Body of Christ awakening to becoming an Ark of His Presence, away from the warship mindset years. Holy Spirit prompted a significant shift in focus, especially with regard to intercession where worship was and is the warship: worship and intercession focused fully on the Lord, i.e. on who He is and all He has done with very little focus on the enemy. It was the beginning of Kingdom thinking where we actually began possessing our eternal reality of being seated in Heavenly places with Christ NOW, as opposed to only someday when called out of this natural life.
A Major Shift
Between 2008 and 2016 everything majorly shifted again. Earthly life as we had come to know it suddenly became extremely politically divided and motivated. The polarization and division only magnified and intensified form 2016 to 2020. In the midst of all of the warfare with deep darkness covering the globe, the ‘three familiar favorite songs that people like to sing (Top 10 Worship Song List) and you’re out’ mode of worship became an entrenched wineskin; one that will not hold the new wine on the horizon.
To Cruise Ship Adrift
For decades, worship has been perceived as preparation for a good message from a pastor. It has become an institution contained within four walls where the opening portion of the service allows for people to either come late for or skip it all together (I have personally observed it for decades). The church went adrift into cruise ship mode. Its message has became lukewarm, complacent, compromising, entertaining, looking far too akin to the world we are called to be in but not of.
We have strived to make Jesus more appealing to those we are called to reach. Newsflash: When one has truly been born again in the power of Holy Spirit (intimately known and in possession of all He has already made available to us), Jesus alone immeasurably surpasses anything this world could ever offer!
In 2020 – 2021, intercession additionally entered cruise ship mode in the midst of the shaking of the nations; in light of decades of hope-deferred and unanswered prayers specific to so many things clearly out of alignment with the atmosphere of Heaven in our families and in our nations. Weary from the battle with far too much defeat, as a psalmist and as an intercessor not finding a place in the Body of Christ to land, I became a cruise ship adrift at sea simply trying to figure it out. I prayed the Lord’s Prayer and I prayed in the Spirit. I read the Word. I literally groaned but had no words. I lost my song because I felt like I had lost my voice so-to-speak.
Back On Course
God in His goodness and faithfulness, however, always knows how to get us quickly back on course from warship to cruise ship to ark. He knows exactly how to confirm that a remnant throughout the world has been navigating similar journeys. I am beyond thankful for His tender guidance every minute of every day!
When we’re simply without words or direction, I am in awe of how He gently opens a door and highlights His guiding hand that has been there all along, i.e. confirming decades of dreams, journaling, prophetic words, and prayers, being converged precisely for such a time as this. The Body of Christ has been navigating the waters from warship to cruise ship to ark with a tsunami wave of His Spirit on the horizon about to bring the Ark of His Presence to the shores of the nations.
To Ark Of His Presence
I was created to be an Ark of His Presence., i.e His worshiper in Spirit and in Truth. This is who each of us has been created to be, irregardless of our infinite areas of giftings, callings, ethnicities, genders, or age. He knit us together fearfully and wonderfully with everything we need, i.e our gifts, skills, equipping, and destinies. He orchestrates every detail along the way, converging everything in His timing in His Story on behalf of the generations and the nations.
We have arrived at an extremely critical juncture in our nation’s history. We have transitioned from warship to cruise ship to an ark, i.e. coming into the fullness of BEING an Ark of His Presence (our awakening to this is absolutely and essentially necessary). As an Ark of His Presence, i.e. ambassadors of His Kingdom and carriers of His glory, we weave His Word and His intercession with worship of the One who alone is always worthy of our praise, adoration, and thanksgiving. Jesus is the only solution to Earth’s dire battle for the hearts of mankind.
It’s time to equip the Bride for His rule and reign; to manifest as sons and daughters of the Most High for which the Earth is loudly groaning. It is time for the Body of Christ to retire both the warship and the cruise ship ways of doing life and church on Earth, get into the depths of His Word, get into Spirit and Truth worship, in pursuit of the depths of intimacy with Christ, and BE the Ark of His Presence in the power of all He has already made us to be.
Identity and Purpose
We are seated in Heavenly places in intimate fellowship with the One who loves us most – eternally NOW! Praise Him! Thank Him! Adore Him! Worship Him with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Surrender it all: your time, your dreams, your relationships, your finances, your gifts, your health, your marriage, your family, your children, your career/business, your politics, your ethnicity, your gender, your church/religion, your friends, your education, your creativity, what you watch, what you listen to, what you do, etc…ALL!
Hear what He is speaking and see what He is doing in the Heavenly realms. Partner, i.e. co-labor with Him and all of the angelic hosts in releasing Heaven’s sound, i.e. Heaven’s heart and will, on Earth. BE His Ark! Watch His glory cover the Earth as the waters cover the seas (Habakkuk 2:14) as you shift into His Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Visit tammysorenson.com, my Spotify link, my Apple Music link, and SHOP PRODUCTS on this website for Holy Spirit led instrumental music that empowers your study of His Word, your ability to hear His voice, your intimacy with His Presence, your meditation, and encountering all that He is and has made available to you NOW.