It’s All About Choices

renewing the body through sound

It’s All About Choices

Everything in life is about choices. It’s ALL about choices. We each choose our thoughts, our words, our responses and our actions every hour of every single day. Since our thoughts, our words, and our responses consist of frequencies, every choice we make involves either higher frequencies or lower resonating resonating frequencies. We get to choose which.

We choose to love over hate. We choose joy over sadness. We choose peace over anxiety or fear (sometimes chemical imbalances impact both our joy and our peace and require medical intervention). We choose patience over impatience. We choose kindness over unkindness. We choose goodness over evil. We choose faithfulness and loyalty over betrayal. We choose gentleness over harshness. We choose self-control over unrestraint. We choose trust over mistrust. We choose hope over despair.

We choose wisdom over foolishness. We choose understanding over judgment. We choose counsel over thoughtlessness. We choose strength over weakness (Nehemiah 8:10). We choose knowledge over ignorance. We choose awe over irreverence. We choose honor instead of disrespect. We choose obedience over disobedience. We choose gratitude over unthankfulness. We choose humility over pride. We choose maturity over childishness. We choose life with our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Life and death is literally in the power of the tongue – we get to choose (Proverbs 18:21).

We choose clean eating over junk food. We choose to exercise over inactivity. We choose to put things into and on our bodies that steward good health over contributing to disease, addictions, abuse, etc…We choose with whom we desire relationship that contributes to overall wellness and abundant life over those we choose not to.

Choices That Impact Generations

Life is 100% about choices, and we are always responsible and accountable for the choices we make. When our choices negatively affect others, we cross a line that is not ours to cross. We especially cross that line when choices adversely affect the children we have been gifted and are called to steward and protect. Whether those children are in the womb, in our homes, in our care, or in our classrooms, we are both responsible and accountable for our choices. We must purpose deliberately and intentionally to choose wisely on behalf of the next generation…always.

There are exceptions that sometimes impact our choices, with regard to medical issues, traumas, tragedies, etc., but for the most part, this life is all about our choices; choices that should always result in life. We were created to choose life. We are called to choose life. We are accountable to choose life. If we choose life-giving choices, life will be the result. And yet, forgiveness is always available, regardless of the wrongness of our choices made when our repentance is heartfelt and sought out.

We Become What We Behold

We become what we behold, therefore, if we’re beholding love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, awe, honor, healthy, obedience, gratitude, humility, etc. then those attributes are what we become. I will add wholeheartedly that it is never “by power and not by might, but by Holy Spirit” that any of the beholding actually transforms into becoming (Zechariah 4:6).

Choices are majorly impacted by our life’s lens, whether it’s Kingdom, religious, or anti-Christ. We get to choose our worldview lens as well. Impacting our choices and becoming what we behold is the renewing and the transforming of our minds:

Romans 12:2 (TPT), “Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”

2 Corinthians 10:5 (TPT), “We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.”

Created To Choose

Our Heavenly Father from the onset created mankind for relationship. Choice was an integral foundation to that relationship from the very beginning. He wants us to choose relationship with Him. He chose to send His only Son to make a way for us to choose relationship with Him. We are immeasurably blessed to be able to choose the spirit of sonship over the orphan spirit we are all born with in this natural life. We get to choose to mature in His Word over remaining as infants (Hebrews 5:12). We get to choose continually being filled with Holy Spirit. We get to choose Jesus as King and Lord on the throne of our lives and hearts over self.

When we choose to behold ALL that Christ has purchased on our behalf, we become ALL that our Heavenly Father dreamt for us and made a way for us to fully be. We choose to be filled to overflowing with all of the higher resonating frequencies of the atmosphere of Heaven 24/7 over the plethora of negative lower resonating frequencies of life’s trials, tribulations, and circumstances. Who wouldn’t want to choose Him in all His lovingkindness and goodness? It’s unfathomable!

Podcasts, Music, and Art

My new Living With EASE Podcast, as well as my Sound Expressions Podcast, discuss and equip receiving and releasing higher resonating frequencies. Both empower living supernatural, holistic, and overall divine health – body, mind, soul, and spirit. Additionally, check out my holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit led instrumental music to facilitate beholding Him in all His glory, and meditating on His transforming Word. See SHOP PRODUCTS on this website banner, or visit

The image for this post is credited to three precious and gifted Kingdom children, ages 2, 8, and 10, who spend time beholding Jesus every single day. This artwork resulted as they spent time beholding Him while listening to Crimson Freedom on my new EASE (ENERGY AND SOUND EXPRESSED) album release.

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