New Podcast Launch

Living With EASE Podcast is my exciting new podcast launch: a holistic health podcast designed to encourage and equip listeners with tools for living and releasing EASE in the midst of all the DIS-EASE continually bombarding our atmospheres, lives, circumstances, and the culture we find ourselves navigating. Each week on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons, I will share a new Episode that includes a new holistic frequency infused instrumental piece specific to releasing EASE into the DIS-EASE.
This website,, contains all of the credentials and life experiences that have culminated, converged, and propelled me into this new podcast launch, Living with EASE. My music is available via digital distribution and streaming, as well as at Living With EASE Podcast is available on this website banner (January 17, 2022 launch), and has been distributed to many of your favorite podcasting platforms.
EASE Introduced
Living With EASE podcast was birthed from the title of my January 2022 Sound Therapy instrumental album release, EASE (Energy And Sound Expressed). This cutting edge and exciting new release is available via digital distribution and streaming, as well as on my websites. Living With EASE Podcast begins with an introduction to this new podcast launch. The podcast will include holistic health topics specific to sound, sound therapy, science, Scripture, nutrition, supplements, balance of body/mind/soul and spirit, that empower listeners to release EASE into the DIS-EASE of daily life and circumstances. The Introduction Episode concludes with nine two-minute and thirty second clips in each of the holistic energy centers: 963 and 852 Hz, the pineal gland frequency, which is the spiritual center of the brain, 741, 639, 528, 444, 417, and 396 Hz.
EASE Unpacked
Episode #1 will unpack the acronym, EASE, using literary definitions and Scriptures. Episode #2 will unpack both scientific and Scriptural aspects of EASE. Every episode of Living With EASE will include helpful educational tips, fun facts, and encouragement, as well as a brand new holistic frequency infused instrumental piece that releases Living with EASE. Each episode will respect and honor your time, while prayerfully encouraging you in a lifestyle of Living With EASE.
Zephaniah 3:17
My prayer is for the introduction to my holistic instrumental music, this new podcast launch, and every episode ahead propels listeners into encountering the One who is singing over each and every one.