Spotify Wrapped 2023 Reveal

Spotify Wrapped 2023 Reveal results are in! I have no adequate words of thanksgiving! This post is prayerfully a huge thank you to each of my Spotify (and all other streaming platforms) holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired spontaneous instrumental music listeners all around the world! I am beyond abundantly and immeasurably blessed!
Throughout the year I receive such encouraging emails and social media messages of how people have been blessed by and/or listen to my music. Many of them are specific to my music being used specifically for children, which absolutely and totally blesses me! Our son received a screen shot from one of his co-workers which revealed his number one listened to artist this year was me because they play my music for their children at bedtime every night. I am truly and humbly grateful, thankful, and blessed! I received the following email as well. I give all glory to my Lord and King for using me as His vessel of creativity for such a time as this!
“The Lord has led me to your music. Thank you for producing such sounds to fill our home with love and peace. The first time I played your Christmas album, it put our two youngest children to sleep a few hours before bedtime.”
My Spotify Wrapped 2023 Reveal always encourages me to keep creating for His glory, intentionally releasing His higher resonating frequencies into the atmosphere, i.e. releasing EASE (energy and sound expressed) into the dis-ease of the times in which we live. I am always completely amazed at how Holy Spirit is leading people to listen to my music in so many countries all around the world! It’s all Holy Spirit and all glory to Yeshua! Through these results each year, Holy Spirit gently reminds me why He specifically instructed me not to put words in my music. Instrumental music is a universal language, one in which the Lord Himself is able to be the One intimately communing with and ministering to individuals all around the world. The holistic infused frequencies revelations, intention, attributes, healing, and creativity flow from Heaven’s atmosphere to each one who is seeking all that He alone is for each and every one in this NOW time!

Working with sound and healing therapy clients is also both humbling and immeasurably encouraging. I received the following praise report recently, for which again I give my Lord and King all glory!

Be sure to watch for my upcoming new album release January 2024! Check out my sound therapy music and my various sound and healing therapy remote sessions on this website under SHOP PRODUCTS and at
Thank you Spotify! Thank you for my Spotify Wrapped 2023 Reveal! Abundant and immeasurable thanksgiving to all of my holistic frequency infused Holy Spirit inspired spontaneous instrumental music listeners all around the world! Thank you to all of my sound and healing therapy clients all around the world! Each one of you are His treasure and mine! May His abundant blessings be multiplied to and over each of you throughout the coming year!