Sunrise and Sunset Frequencies

renewing the body through sound

Sunrise and Sunset Frequencies

This morning I was awakened to pondering sunrise and sunset frequencies; both have resonating frequencies and our perspective determines their impact. I am a prophetic psalmist. I am not a doom and gloom prophet to the nations, but rather, one who is called to edify, encourage, comfort, and call forth the good idea in every individual that the Creator of Heaven and Earth purposed when He knit us together breathtakingly, wonderfully, marvelously, and fearfully in our mother’s wombs. 

I took the pondering out on my daily five mile mountain hike and began to pray in the Spirit. About one mile into the first climb while focusing on the lyrics to a new favorite worship song, I suddenly noticed a large copperhead snake crushed on the road right where I walk. My focus suddenly shifted from praise, thanksgiving, and worship to remembering why I don’t like to step into the grass for oncoming cars, especially since there are no shoulders on the roads in the mountains where I walk. I literally had to fight to get back my focus onto praying in the Spirit and the anointed worship lyrics as opposed to poisonous snakes for the remaining miles. 

In the midst of the wrestling in both my mind and in my spirit, I suddenly remembered being awakened to the topic of sunrise and sunset, along with a recent trip to the ocean. On this special Mother’s Day trip with two of our daughters, we decided to set our alarms ensuring we would awaken in time to get to the beach and catch the sunrise over the Atlantic ocean. It was stunningly and gloriously worth catching (see photos below). Then came Holy Spirit’s download for this post.

The sun rises and sets every single day without fail. The frequencies of the sunrise differ tremendously from that of the sunset. Sunsets resound with the closing out of another day; a time to rest from all of the day’s busy schedules and activities. Sunrises, however, resound with our Heavenly Father’s mercies being new every morning. Sunrise is a time of expectation and thankfulness for the gift of a brand new day. We get choose if we want to focus on all of the disappointments, failures, distractions, and offenses that went down with yesterday’s sunset (the poisonous snakes on the road), or whether we’re going to be filled with thankfulness and praise for the precious gift of life, health, our relationships, provision, protection, and the plethora of opportunities before us on the path ahead. 

It has always been and will always be about our choices. Frequencies are all about choices. Just as sunrises and sunsets cannot occur at the exact same time, neither can two opposing choices co-exist at the same time, i.e. peace/anxiety, faith/fear, joy/depression, etc.. Whichever choice we give access to, i.e. the poisonous snakes on the road or the praise and prayers being sown into the day and for path before us, will cause the other to come into alignment. 

I am preaching to the choir on this strategic topic. I know the truths contained and their intimate impact, practically, spiritually, quantumly, Scripturally, and holistically.  At this juncture, 95% of my life doesn’t remotely look like I thought it would. Some parts are even better and some not so much. I can choose to focus on the choices I would have made differently, my mistakes, accusing, blaming, all of the disappointments and losses that lay cluttered behind me, OR…I can choose to focus on the priceless gift of today. My husband has always lived in the truth of today matters and taught it as foundational to all six of our children. I can choose to completely rest in yesterday’s sunset, letting it all go – every single thing I have no power to change or control; looking expectantly forward to the frequencies of tomorrow’s sunrise.

I encourage you today, and every day…one day at a time…sometimes one hour at a time…to focus on the resounding frequencies of each day’s sunrise, and to let each sunset resound with the frequencies of rest. Choose to rest and trust in the One who alone has the power to turn it all to good on our behalf. Choose to rest and trust in the One whose goodness, lovingkindness, and faithfulness is intimately watching over you.

Today’s post contains the premise behind my new book, Children’s Heart Cry: The Sound of a Generation, as well as my new sound therapy instrumental album, The Children’s Heart Cry. It is also the foundation to my online course and curriculum, The Children’s Heart Cry: Equipping A Generation To BE The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. SHOP PRODUCTS on this website, or on Apple, Spotify, Amazon and wherever digital distribution is available. Be encouraged and be blessed by the sound of the sunrise!

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