Holy Spirit As Conductor Is Key

renewing the body through sound

Holy Spirit As Conductor Is Key

Kingdom life is very much analogous to that of a symphonic orchestra, a concert band, a concert choir, maybe even a pep band. The point is that it’s very much like playing an instrument in an ensemble or singing in a choir; being a contributing and active member to and in an ensemble. Why? Holy Spirit as Conductor is key. Let me explain. Jesus states in John 16:13 (AMP), “But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future].”

Holy Spirit is our Conductor. Holy Spirit as Conductor is key in the Ekklesia and to the Kingdom within us (Luke 17:20-21). He is the One who guides us and leads us in Truth, i.e. in the way we are intended to navigate. Holy Spirit is the One who knows exactly how and what Jesus is interceding on our behalf in this very hour, as well as the exact plans and purposes, i.e. the perfect and good will of our Heavenly Father, willed and desired to manifest on Earth for the precise time we have been called to walk this Earth.

If one does not acknowledge or recognize the voice of Holy Spirit, it’s fairly difficult to walk out His Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. If one has never played an instrument in a band, orchestra, or ensemble of some sort, it’s extremely difficult to understand the indispensable role of or to follow the leading of the Conductor. This principle applies to both vocalists and instrumentalists: if one has never sung in a choir or ensemble, one has no comprehension of how yielding to the leader, who knows how everything fits together and is suppose to sound, works. Choirs and vocal ensembles must follow the Conductor for the same reasons as an instrumentalist. The Conductor is key to both playing/singing and sounding as one for the sake of the whole, as well as to the original intention of the composer.

The Conductor is key because the Conductor is the One who determines:

  1. when the orchestra/choir begins the piece;
  2. the dynamics of the piece, i.e when to play/sing softly or loudly, when to gradually get louder or softer, the balance of the instrumental/vocal sections in the piece, i.e. when one section or instrument/voice is playing/singing too loudly or softly and needs to adjust, etc.;
  3. the tempo of the piece, i.e. how fast or slow to play/sing the piece or a section, when to gradually speed up, when to gradually slow down, and how to keep the entire orchestra/choir together on cue in unity; 
  4. cues the instruments/voice when to play/sing, when to rest, when to stop playing/singing altogether (when to Selah – when to stop, ponder, breathe and let the instruments ‘interpret’ or play what was just spoken), etc.;
  5. executes the intention of the composer.

Our Heavenly Father is the composer of the piece, has selected which piece(s) we are to play, including the instrument(s)/voices, i.e. our gifting and skill level (our own diligence and obedience determines whether we attain His intentions or not). He is the one who has chosen the various instrument/vocal sections and where we fit together in the orchestra/choir as a whole, when our piece is to be played/sung, how many times our piece(s) is to be played/sung, etc.. Jesus is the One who already purchased everything needed for a successful and supernatural impact, and is praying for us to practice, to listen, to pay attention, to function as one body, etc. to ensure we all do what our Heavenly Father has purposed for His Kingdom and His glory.

None of this plays out, however, if we don’t learn to listen to and follow the leading of our Conductor, i.e. Holy Spirit. Again, Holy Spirit as Conductor is key. If we’re not watching or listening to Him, if we’re distracted, not paying attention, or ignoring Him altogether, we’ll never be able to release the sound we were created to release. If we think our instrument/voice/gifting/skill/piece/revelation is more important than any one else’s then we have missed the point altogether.

Our Heavenly Father in His infinite wisdom would never give any one person/ministry the entirety of the revelation – the entire score to play/sing solo. Why? We would all build Towers of Babel for our own glory. We would spend all of our time arguing, being divided, and trying to prove we had the correct piece. This all sounds a bit like religion, doctrine, and theology, i.e. the things that keep us from co-laboring with Him as one, including atheism and social justice, which are simply religions in and of themselves. 

Our Heavenly Father gave each one of us a piece of the revelation – a piece of the story – a piece of the unfolding of His Story, and it is Holy Spirit who will guide and lead us to develop our piece skillfully, faithfully, obediently, and effectively. He will then connect our piece with the instrumental/vocal sections and orchestra/choir/ensembles we are called to ‘play/sing in/with.’ It will always comes back to one integral piece: Holy Spirit as Conductor is key. Are we watching, listening, and following the leading of Holy Spirit 24/7? He alone can guide and lead us into all truth on the path we have been called to navigate. It’s time for Holy Spirit as Conductor to have His way on Earth as it is in Heaven for such a time as this!

Holy Spirit is 100% my Conductor when I embark on His Kingdom Sound Therapy, Book, and Curriculum assignments; as I release the sounds I was created to release on behalf of the Ekklesia walking in health and wholeness; encountering His Presence and walking in His healing, His identity, His purposes, His dreams, and His giftings for each one He connects with this ministry. Check out my brand new June album release, The Children’s Heart Cry Sound Therapy under SHOP PRODUCTS, on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube, and wherever digital distribution is sold. Also check out my new companion book, Children’s Heart Cry: The Sound Of A Generation on Amazon.

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