Dreams Visions and an Acronym

This post converges recent Holy Spirit given dreams, visions, and an acronym; a prophetic word acronym. When I arrived home from my daily five mile mountain hike referenced in my previous post, Mowing Down Poisonous Snakes, I received an email from one of my certification instructors. The email inquired as to whether I would be interested in going through a disease chart and inserting my music. Challenge accepted. Going back to find the musical keys for all of the album projects I have done over the years, including the learning curve involved in all of it, was a bit overwhelming. My overachiever mode when into high gear.
I began recording spontaneously by the leading of Holy Spirit in December of 2007. I began recording sound and healing therapy albums using Scripture, different tunings, and strategic settings in 2010. I began recording holistic infused frequencies instrumental albums with a comprehensive understanding of sound and healing therapy, along with intention, in 2013. In total, I have released 37 albums over the course of fourteen years, which include a family album, two fragrance collaborations, two compilation albums, and a new set of three EMDR Bilateral albums.
Add to that 125+ diseases, each with differing physical and emotional musical key frequencies presents a monumental task to organize effectively. It’s something I should have done from 2013 all along when I began to understand all of the sound and healing therapy connections. Instead, I chose to look it all up at each client’s session while continuing to add to the albums and Holy Spirit led instrumental assignments. As the saying goes, “Better late than never.”
An Acronym
Upon completing the project with only final proofing remaining, I set out on my daily five mile mountain hike. As I was pondering how the entire process had come together, sometimes easily and sometimes painstakingly, I pondered about ensuring the title of the chart was accurate. I instantly heard back from Holy Spirit about putting a hyphen in the word ‘disease,’ as I had frequently referenced over the years: dis-ease. I responded, “Yes, Lord.” I then saw the word EASE, an acronym I had received several times prophetically, beginning around 2011. Upon moving to North Carolina in 2016, I was certain it was the name of our Arts Expressed Equipping Center and had made numerous attempts at deciphering the acronym meaning.
We were going to take a leap of faith and find a building to launch The Arts Expressed Equipping Center just before Covid-19 hit in 2020. We are incredibly thankful we never sensed a green light on that endeavor. Fast forward to 2021. Suddenly here it was again: EASE. I inquired and instantly received back in my spirit: Energy And Sound Expressed. Finally! This whole journey has been about me yielding Kingdom energy and sound to express into the atmosphere – to express on behalf of those He desires to encounter, heal, and restore, in order that they can fully ‘express’ the ‘dis’ piece of their own journey to walk in His restored EASE and wholeness.
All to say, the remainder of my hike was filled with encouragement, praise, and thanksgiving. Decades of intercession, obedience, prophetic decrees and words, finally culminated in one massive endeavor, that for Holy Spirit, was quite simple: EASE for Dis-Ease. A totally awesome and glorious aspect of the entire endeavor is that my tent (my EASE CHART) will continue to enlarge as He downloads new projects and creates new pieces for those He sends me or sends me to. What an exciting time to receives Holy Spirit downloads through dreams, visions, and an acronym!
At a time when so incredibly much looks evil, dark, and lost, Holy Spirit is making infinitely wise moves positioning His sons and daughters to be fully prepared for the massive harvest of broken and hurting people needing to encounter the only One who can give them identity, purpose, healing, and restoration.
More Dreams and Visions
As if the previous revelation for sound and healing therapy wasn’t enough, I encountered two additional dreams and visions specific to sound and healing therapy over the following week. In the first dream, I received four targeted frequencies for healing trauma through creativity. I knew that my next album project had already been revealed and was specific to these frequencies. I also knew these four frequencies were the manifestation of a prophetic word I had received about them back in 2013 through a holistic practitioner.
The second dream propelled the frequencies into the intention/focus paired with them from the Scriptures, as well as significantly highlighting trauma. Because those details involve a personal testimony related to our twins, I will refer you to my book, Was I Not Listening OR Did Someone Not Tell Me for details. Holy Spirit repeatedly confirmed the trauma piece of these frequencies over several days. I clearly discerned the frequencies, along with their Scriptural intention, were to be another piece of EASE for Dis-Ease, specifically as His revealed technique for the healing of both emotional and physical trauma. I was then prompted to contact two individuals I will co-labor with on this Heaven-sent anointed cutting edge endeavor imparted through dreams, visions, and an acronym.
My next upcoming album release will be recorded strategically using the four targeted frequencies. To keep listeners, clients, and researchers engaged, I will not reveal any further details until this new Kingdom assignment is completed and released, sometime in the Fall of 2021. What an exciting time to be in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!