Digging Deeper In December 444Hz

renewing the body through sound

Digging Deeper In December 444Hz

Digging Deeper In December 444Hz, Episode #10, unpacks several powerful truths from Luke Chapter 10 in TPT, specific to our our discipleship commission, Holy Spirit conviction, misconceptions about ‘backlash,’ authentic love, loving ourselves, and a discussion of being a Mary in a Martha driven world. I include a recommendation of Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s book, Sacred Rest, as well as promote an upcoming virtual retreat on January 7-9, 2022, Living Sabbath Virtual Retreat (I am a restorative session presenter on Saturday, January 8, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.). The link to view further details about 30+ amazing speakers, the schedule, and registration is included in the credits.

I conclude this episode psalming in 444Hz tuning. Be sure to check out Episodes #1 – 3 for the introduction and specifics of this podcast series, and Episode #1 for an explanation of psalming.

Digging Deeper In December 444Hz, Episode #10, is available for both audio (podcast) and visual (video) lovers formats: Sound Expressions Podcast and Tammy Sorenson Official YouTube Artist Channel (click on the video below to view).

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